Total Station Topcon GM 101 + Sertifikat Kalibrasi + Garansi 1 Thn
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Banten - Tangerang Selatan - Pondok Aren
Rp. 15.000.000
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Spesifikasi Total Station Topcon GM 101 + Sertifikat Kalibrasi + Garansi 1 Thn
Hubungi Kami di : Contact Person Nama : Nurman HP / WA : 0819-5818-6914 Telpn : 0819-5818-6914 Email : Web : Kami Menjual, Rental / Sewakan, Jasa Service Kalibrasi, Jasa Ukur Tanah, Alat-Alat Untuk Survey, Pemetaan, Kontraktor, Telekomunikasi, Geologi, Exploration, Kelautan, Militer, Migas, Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, Laboratorium Industri Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Diantaranya Sebagai Berikut : Total Station : -Total Station Sokkia CX-101, CX-102, CX-103, CX-105, CX-105c -Total Station Sokkia FX-101, FX-102, FX-103, FX-105 -Total Station Topcon GTS-255N, GTS-102N, GTS-250 Series -Total Station Topcon ES-101, ES-102, ES-103, ES-105, ES-55 -Total Station Topcon OS-101, OS-102, OS-103, OS-105 -Total Station Nikon DTM-322, NPL322 -Total Station Nikon Nivo 1M, 2M,3M, 5M -Total Station Nikon Nivo 5C, 3C,2C, 1C -Total Station Geo Fennel Theo Dist FTD 05 -Total Station Pentax R-1502, R-1505 -Total Station Gowin TKS 202 -Total Station Cygnus KS-102 -Total Station South NTS-352L -Total Station Hi-Target ZTS-320R -Total Station Ruide RTS 822A, 822R Digital Theodolite : -Sokkia DT-740, DT-540, -Topcon DT-205, DT-205L, DT-209, DT-209L -Nikon NE-100, NE-101, NE-102, NE-103 -South ET-02-ET-02L -Ruide ET-02, ET-02L -Pentax ETH-502 -My Surv DT-202C GeoMAX ZIPP-02 Automatic Level atau Waterpas : -Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40 -Topcon ATB-2, ATB-3, ATB-4, ATB-4A -Nikon AS-2C, AE-7, AP-8, AC-2S, AX-2S -Pentax AP-228 -Geo Fennel FAL 24 -Leica NA 332, NA 324, NA 320 -Digital Level Orion 2LS -Digital Level GEOMAX ZDL700 GPS Handheld : -Garmin GPSMAP 64sc, 62s, -Garmin GPSMAP 78s -Garmin GPS Oregon 550 kamera 3.2 MP -Garmin GPS Montana 650 kamera 5 MP A,20,30 -Garmin GPS Rino 610 -Garmin Nuvi 1350, Nuvi 50LM, -Garmin GPS Aera 500, Aera 550 -Magellan Explorist 610 Gps Marine : -Garmin GPSMAP 4012 -Garmin GPSMAP 2108 -Garmin GPSMAP 585 -Garmin GPS 128 -Garmin Radar GMR-18 -Garmin GSD 22 -Garmin Antena GA 30 -Garmin Kabel Transduser -Garmin Fishfinder Echo 100,300c,500c Alat Survey Laser Meter : Leica DISTO X310 Leica DISTO D510 Leica DISTO D810 Leica DISTO D910 Leica DISTO D210 Leica DISTO A6 Alat Survey Meteran : -Meteran Dorong TOGOSHI -Meteran Dorong CLL-400 CLL-300 CLL-200 -Meteran Tajima Baja 50M, 100M -Meteran Yamayo Baja 50M, 100M -Meteran Komelon Baja 50M, 100M Alat Survey Geologi / Pertambangan : -Compass Brunton 5008, 5006, 5010 -Palu Geologi Estwing Pipih/ sediment -Palu Geologi Estwing Runcing/ Rock -Lup 10x20 -Buku Survey RR -Plastik Sample Alat Survey Suunto Compass : -Compass Suunto KB-14 KB-20 -Compass Suunto Clinometer PM-5 -Compass Suunto Altimeter E203 -Compass Suunto Tandem ( KB-14+PM5) Alat-alat Survey Aksesoris -Rambu Ukur 3M, 4M, 5M -Tripod Sokkia, Topcon -Pole Prisma/ Jalon 2, 15M -Pole Prisma 4M Prisma Travers, Prisma Single -Tribrach Antenna For GPS -Geo Fennel FS 14 Camera Tripod -Geo Fennel Tripod FS 23W/S -Mini Prisma Leica -Tribrach without Optical Plummet To -Tribrach without optical plummet Le -Prisma Nikon -Prisma Tribrach Leica -Mini prisma China -Prisma Sokkia -Tribrach Adafter With Optical Plumm -Prisma Topcon -Tribrach Adafter With Optical Plumm -Topcon Prisma Poligon -Prisma Poligon Sokkia -Adapter with Optical Plummet -SOKKIA CP7 COMPASS -Adapter with Optical Plummet MySurv -Aluminum Tripod -Battery Topcon GTS 102N -Battery Topcon BT-52Q -Battery Sokkia BDC-70 -Battery Nikon BC-65 -Battery Sokkia BDC 25A -Battery Sokkia BDC46B -Battery Nikon BC-80 -Battery South NB-20A -Battery Cygnus -Battery South NB-20 -Battery Nikon Nivo -Baterry Sokkia BDC 35A -Charger Sokkia CDC68 -Charger Nikon Q-75E -Charger Topcon BC-27CR -Charger Sokkia CDC 27 -Charger Sokkia CDC-40 -CHARGER SOUTH TOTAL STATIONS , NB-2 -Charger Nikon Nivo -Cable Data NIKON Total Station -Cable Data TOPCON Total Station -Cable Data SOKKIA Total Station -Leica GFZ3 diagonal eyepiece for Fl -Diagonal Eyepiece Sokkia DE 25 -Topcon Diagonal Eyepiece 13 -Diagonal Eyepiece Theodolite China -Diagonal Eyepiece Nikon -Topcon Diagonal Eyepiece 10 SkyScan Model P5-3 SkyScan EWS PRO 2 SkyScan Storm Pro 2 Pesola Scale Midio Scale 300g Black Pesola Pesola Scale Midio Scale 600g Purple Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 5kg Brown Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 10kg Green Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 20kg Blue Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 100g green Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 60g Purple Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 30g Red Pesola Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 20x35cm Open Top Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 30x45cm Open Top Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 45x75cm Open Top Kantong Sample Calico Bags 30x40cm Kantong Sample Calico Bags 15x20cm Kantong Sample Calico Bags 20x30cm Aluminium Tag Chip Sample Tray Gps Geodetik Trimble, Topcon, Sokkia, Javad Kompas Geologi, Kompas Survey Handy Talky Radio Rig Telepon Satelit Walkie Talkie Sepasang Teropong Binocular Nikon Teropong Binocular Bushnell Teropong Malam Night Vision Teropong Jarak Bushnell & Nikon Peralatan Geologi Explorasi Tambang Peralatan Meteorologi Peralatan Hidrografi Laut Dan Sungai Peralatan Survey Hutan Dll Sedia Jasa Pengukuran Tanah & Service Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Diantaranya: Total Station Theodolite Automatic Level / Waterpass dan lain-lain. GRATIISSSS!!!! ANTAR DKI JAKARTA PEMBAYARAN COD DI TEMPAT
Hubungi Kami di : Contact Person Nama : Nurman HP / WA : 0819-5818-6914 Telpn : 0819-5818-6914 Email : Web : Kami Menjual, Rental / Sewakan, Jasa Service Kalibrasi, Jasa Ukur Tanah, Alat-Alat Untuk Survey, Pemetaan, Kontraktor, Telekomunikasi, Geologi, Exploration, Kelautan, Militer, Migas, Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika, Laboratorium Industri Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Diantaranya Sebagai Berikut : Total Station : -Total Station Sokkia CX-101, CX-102, CX-103, CX-105, CX-105c -Total Station Sokkia FX-101, FX-102, FX-103, FX-105 -Total Station Topcon GTS-255N, GTS-102N, GTS-250 Series -Total Station Topcon ES-101, ES-102, ES-103, ES-105, ES-55 -Total Station Topcon OS-101, OS-102, OS-103, OS-105 -Total Station Nikon DTM-322, NPL322 -Total Station Nikon Nivo 1M, 2M,3M, 5M -Total Station Nikon Nivo 5C, 3C,2C, 1C -Total Station Geo Fennel Theo Dist FTD 05 -Total Station Pentax R-1502, R-1505 -Total Station Gowin TKS 202 -Total Station Cygnus KS-102 -Total Station South NTS-352L -Total Station Hi-Target ZTS-320R -Total Station Ruide RTS 822A, 822R Digital Theodolite : -Sokkia DT-740, DT-540, -Topcon DT-205, DT-205L, DT-209, DT-209L -Nikon NE-100, NE-101, NE-102, NE-103 -South ET-02-ET-02L -Ruide ET-02, ET-02L -Pentax ETH-502 -My Surv DT-202C GeoMAX ZIPP-02 Automatic Level atau Waterpas : -Sokkia B-20, B-30, B-40 -Topcon ATB-2, ATB-3, ATB-4, ATB-4A -Nikon AS-2C, AE-7, AP-8, AC-2S, AX-2S -Pentax AP-228 -Geo Fennel FAL 24 -Leica NA 332, NA 324, NA 320 -Digital Level Orion 2LS -Digital Level GEOMAX ZDL700 GPS Handheld : -Garmin GPSMAP 64sc, 62s, -Garmin GPSMAP 78s -Garmin GPS Oregon 550 kamera 3.2 MP -Garmin GPS Montana 650 kamera 5 MP A,20,30 -Garmin GPS Rino 610 -Garmin Nuvi 1350, Nuvi 50LM, -Garmin GPS Aera 500, Aera 550 -Magellan Explorist 610 Gps Marine : -Garmin GPSMAP 4012 -Garmin GPSMAP 2108 -Garmin GPSMAP 585 -Garmin GPS 128 -Garmin Radar GMR-18 -Garmin GSD 22 -Garmin Antena GA 30 -Garmin Kabel Transduser -Garmin Fishfinder Echo 100,300c,500c Alat Survey Laser Meter : Leica DISTO X310 Leica DISTO D510 Leica DISTO D810 Leica DISTO D910 Leica DISTO D210 Leica DISTO A6 Alat Survey Meteran : -Meteran Dorong TOGOSHI -Meteran Dorong CLL-400 CLL-300 CLL-200 -Meteran Tajima Baja 50M, 100M -Meteran Yamayo Baja 50M, 100M -Meteran Komelon Baja 50M, 100M Alat Survey Geologi / Pertambangan : -Compass Brunton 5008, 5006, 5010 -Palu Geologi Estwing Pipih/ sediment -Palu Geologi Estwing Runcing/ Rock -Lup 10x20 -Buku Survey RR -Plastik Sample Alat Survey Suunto Compass : -Compass Suunto KB-14 KB-20 -Compass Suunto Clinometer PM-5 -Compass Suunto Altimeter E203 -Compass Suunto Tandem ( KB-14+PM5) Alat-alat Survey Aksesoris -Rambu Ukur 3M, 4M, 5M -Tripod Sokkia, Topcon -Pole Prisma/ Jalon 2, 15M -Pole Prisma 4M Prisma Travers, Prisma Single -Tribrach Antenna For GPS -Geo Fennel FS 14 Camera Tripod -Geo Fennel Tripod FS 23W/S -Mini Prisma Leica -Tribrach without Optical Plummet To -Tribrach without optical plummet Le -Prisma Nikon -Prisma Tribrach Leica -Mini prisma China -Prisma Sokkia -Tribrach Adafter With Optical Plumm -Prisma Topcon -Tribrach Adafter With Optical Plumm -Topcon Prisma Poligon -Prisma Poligon Sokkia -Adapter with Optical Plummet -SOKKIA CP7 COMPASS -Adapter with Optical Plummet MySurv -Aluminum Tripod -Battery Topcon GTS 102N -Battery Topcon BT-52Q -Battery Sokkia BDC-70 -Battery Nikon BC-65 -Battery Sokkia BDC 25A -Battery Sokkia BDC46B -Battery Nikon BC-80 -Battery South NB-20A -Battery Cygnus -Battery South NB-20 -Battery Nikon Nivo -Baterry Sokkia BDC 35A -Charger Sokkia CDC68 -Charger Nikon Q-75E -Charger Topcon BC-27CR -Charger Sokkia CDC 27 -Charger Sokkia CDC-40 -CHARGER SOUTH TOTAL STATIONS , NB-2 -Charger Nikon Nivo -Cable Data NIKON Total Station -Cable Data TOPCON Total Station -Cable Data SOKKIA Total Station -Leica GFZ3 diagonal eyepiece for Fl -Diagonal Eyepiece Sokkia DE 25 -Topcon Diagonal Eyepiece 13 -Diagonal Eyepiece Theodolite China -Diagonal Eyepiece Nikon -Topcon Diagonal Eyepiece 10 SkyScan Model P5-3 SkyScan EWS PRO 2 SkyScan Storm Pro 2 Pesola Scale Midio Scale 300g Black Pesola Pesola Scale Midio Scale 600g Purple Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 5kg Brown Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 10kg Green Pesola Pesola Scale Macro Scale 20kg Blue Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 100g green Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 60g Purple Pesola Pesola Scale Micro Scale 30g Red Pesola Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 20x35cm Open Top Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 30x45cm Open Top Kantong Sample Plastic Bags 45x75cm Open Top Kantong Sample Calico Bags 30x40cm Kantong Sample Calico Bags 15x20cm Kantong Sample Calico Bags 20x30cm Aluminium Tag Chip Sample Tray Gps Geodetik Trimble, Topcon, Sokkia, Javad Kompas Geologi, Kompas Survey Handy Talky Radio Rig Telepon Satelit Walkie Talkie Sepasang Teropong Binocular Nikon Teropong Binocular Bushnell Teropong Malam Night Vision Teropong Jarak Bushnell & Nikon Peralatan Geologi Explorasi Tambang Peralatan Meteorologi Peralatan Hidrografi Laut Dan Sungai Peralatan Survey Hutan Dll Sedia Jasa Pengukuran Tanah & Service Kalibrasi Alat Ukur Diantaranya: Total Station Theodolite Automatic Level / Waterpass dan lain-lain. GRATIISSSS!!!! ANTAR DKI JAKARTA PEMBAYARAN COD DI TEMPAT
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