Air Conmpressor Shigemitsu Type Oilless

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Spesifikasi Air Conmpressor Shigemitsu Type Oilless

SHIGEMITSU Heavy Duty Air Compressor introduced its premium air compressors, which is a heavy duty air compressors series. By this products Shigemitsu continue to take great pride in helping our customers around the world be more productive and better serve their customers.

To us, being a manufacturer not only means producing world-class compressed air technologies around the globe, it also means working hard to supply you a reliable air compressors, your needs and the demands placed on your productivity in order to provide you with the most beneficial solutions for your work.

Shigemitsu has the global presence, the technologies and the commitment to support you as proudly as we stand behind our broad range of product offerings.

Long lasting customer relationships have resulted from our extensive knowledge of markets and applications combined with innovation, cost-effective & environmental friendly. Shigemitsu engineers permanently develop new products to fulfill today’ s demand and explore to new environmental technology. We endeavor to improve our products lifetime and reduce maintenance and unprecedented level through continuous research & improvements. We committed to value our products to earth & our clients. The innovation will still remain to increase our value. 
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Memulai bisnis sejak 2004, PT. Indotara Persada adalah perusahaan yang memfokuskan diri pada bisnis produk2 berkualitas tinggi untuk mendukung industry & bisnis di Indonesia. Perkembangan industri dan bisnis di Indonesia saat ini sangat baik sehingga permintaan akan produk2 pendukung bisnis dan industry juga meningkat pesat menjadi salah satu pilar pendukung perkembangan Indotara.
Dengan pengalaman yang matang dalam bisnis produk2 kebutuhan industri dan bisnis, Indotara memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan tujuan utama :

1. Membantu anda meningkatkan produktifitas.
2. Membantu meminimalkan biaya investasi anda.
3. Membantu meminimalkan biaya operasional Anda.
4. Memperbaiki kondisi kerja anda.
5. Meningkatkan keselamatan kerja.
6. Memberikan solusi & kepuasan total untuk anda.

Indotara bekerjasama dengan vendor2 ternama seperti LG Hoist, Samsung Hoist, UN Forklift, Iwata Genset, Tomori Refrigerating, Shigemitsu, Orion Drilling, Fujita Electric motor, dll. Dengan kerjasama erat dengan vendor, Indotara terus berusaha memberikan supply berkesinambungan & berkomitment pada pelayanan terbaik bagi semua customer.

Indotara memiliki fasilitas terintegrasi workshop & warehouse seluas 2500m2 untuk sarana produksi hoist crane & sarana logistik produk2 kami. Indotara memiliki tim engineering berpengalaman untuk design, produksi, instalasi & maintenance hoist crane. Selain itu Indotara mempunyai tim ME ( Mekanikal & Elektrikal) yg solid untuk membantu customer dalam after sales service.

Jakarta Office :
Graha Kencana Building
Lt. 10 Suite 10F
Jl. Raya Perjuangan 88
Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11530
Phone : 62 21 583 55 398 ( Hunting)
Fax. : 62 21 583 55 400
email : sales@
Contact Person : Sumin ; Hendri ; Benny; Sari, Narko

Surabaya Office :
Ruko Mutiara Dupak Blok A-22
Jl. Dupak No.65
Surabaya 60172
Phone : 031 53 53 001 ( Hunting)
Fax. : 031 53 53 002
Email : sales-sby@
Contact Person : Vendes, Agus 
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Free Member
Graha Kencana Building 10th Floor Suite 10F - Jl. Raya Perjuangan no. 88 - Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat 11530, Jakarta Indonesia
Login Terakhir 06-08-2020
+62 21 583 55 398
0815 986 98 98

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