Infant Warmer
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Spesifikasi Infant Warmer
Infant Warmer Murah
Spesifikasi Terlampir pada gambar,
Harga Nego
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
085280079118 ( Rony Hamid )
08568172674 ( Aji Nugraha )
( 021) 80288314
Spesifikasi Terlampir pada gambar,
Harga Nego
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut hubungi
085280079118 ( Rony Hamid )
08568172674 ( Aji Nugraha )
( 021) 80288314
Selamat datang di situs PT. Bumi Indah Putra,
Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan saya harap Anda tidak ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang produk dan informasi tentang perusahaan kami.
Bumi Indah Putra, PT adalah industri manufaktur peralatan medis, dan Kami 100% perusahaan lokal Indonesia.
Kami menawarkan berbagai produk medis dari meja operasi sampai tempat tidur rumah sakit, serta perlengkapan untuk ruang Operasi, Perawatan dan berbagai macap alat alat perlengkapan rumah sakit.
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas bagi kami. kami berusaha untuk melakukan pendekatan dengan pelanggan agar kami memahami kebutuhan dan dengan sigap bereaksi dan memasok unit barang dalam waktu singkat.
Selain itu, kami adalah perusahaan yang sangat berambisius dan beniat untuk tumbuh dan berinovasi untuk menjadi yang terdepan.
Dan apa yang Anda cari?
Email : nugrahaadjie@ / ajibip@
Produk / Jasa UtamaMenjual :
Pabrikasi Hospital Furniture
Kami meproduksi berbagai macam barang-barang hospital furniture.
Supplier Alat-alat kesehatan
menjual berbagai macam alat-alat medis.
Instalasi ruang radiology
menjual serta Menyediakan jasa pemasangan timbal untuk keperluan ruang radiology.
Ambulance Stretcher Multipurpose
Ambulance Stretcher Multipurpose
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulancer Folding Stretche (Tandu) lipat 2
Ambulancer Folding Stretche (Tandu) S/ S
Anasthesy Trolley P/ C
Anasthesy Trolley S/ S
Baby Box P.C
Baby Box S/ S
Baby Cot P/ C
Baby Cot S/ S
Bed Screen Single P.C
Bed Screen Single S/ S
Bed Screen Double P.C
Bed Screen Double S/ S
Bed Screen Triple P.C
Bed Screen Triple S/ S
Bed Side Cabinet
Bed Side Cabinet Cover Hostic
Bed Side Cabinet + Food Tray
Bed Side Cabinet + Food Tray Cover Hostic
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 4 Lamp
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 5 Lamp
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 6 Lamp
Bowl Stand Single P/ C
Bowl Stand Single S/ S
Bowl Stand Single Deluxe P/ C
Bowl Stand Single Deluxe S/ S
Bowl Stand Double P/ C
Bowl Stand Double S/ S
Bowl Stand Double Deluxe P/ C
Bowl Stand Double Deluxe S/ S
Brangcart Patient P/ C
Brangcart Patient S/ S
Brangcart Standard P/ C
Brangcart Standard S/ S
Brangcart Complete P/ C
Brangcart Complete S/ S
Brangcart Hi-Lo
Brangcart Super Deluxe
Children Hospital Bed P/ C
Children Hospital Bed S/ S
Children Hospital Bed 1 Crank P/ C
Children Hospital Bed 1 Crank S/ S
Matrass Children Bed
Dressing Trolley P/ C
Dressing Trolley S/ S
Emergency Trolley P.C
Emergency Trolley S/ S
Examine Table P.C + Foot Step P.C
Examine Table S/ S + Foot Step P.C
Examine Table Advance
Examine Table Electric P/ C
Examine Table Electric S/ S
Food Trolley 8 Rack (1 Door) S/ S
Food Trolley 16 Rack (2 Door) S/ S
Food Trolley 24 Rack (3 Door) S/ S
Foot Step P.C
Foot Step S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair P.C
Gynaecolog Chair S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair With Crank P.C
Gynaecolog Chair With Crank S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair Electric
Gynaecolog Examination Table P.C
Gynaecolog Examination Table S/ S
Gynaecolog Examination Table With Crank P/ C
Gynaecolog Examination Table With Crank S/ S
Hospital Bed Economy No CranK
Hospital Bed Economy (Gigi Balang)
Hospital Bed Economy 1 Crank
Hospital Bed No Crank
Hospital Bed (Gigi Balang)
Hospital Bed 1 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 1 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 1 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Hospital Bed 2 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 2 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 2 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Hospital Bed 3 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 3 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 3 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Icu Bed + Side Rail
Icu Bed Electric + Side Rail
Incubator Standard
Incubator Standard
Incubator Thermostat
Incubator Digital Control
Incubator Digital Control Type Deluxe
Incubator Servo + skin Control
Incubator Transport
Infant Warmer
Infant Warmer + Skin Control
Infusion Stand 3 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 3 Wheel S/ S
Infusion Stand 4 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 4 Wheel S/ S
Infusion Stand 5 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 5 Wheel S/ S
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 2 Pintu S/ S Full Glass
Instrument Glass Trolley P/ C
Instrument Glass Trolley S/ S
Instrument Trolley 2 Drawer (Laci) P/ C
Instrument Trolley 2 Drawer (Laci) S/ S
Instrument Trolley 1 Drawer P/ C
Instrument Trolley 1 Drawer S/ S
Instrument Trolley 3 Shelf P/ C
Instrument Trolley 3 Shelf S/ S
Instrument Trolley P/ C
Instrument Trolley S/ S
Laundry Cart + Linen P/ C ( Bulat )
Laundry Cart + Linen S/ S ( Bulat )
Laundry Trolley P.C
Laundry Trolley S/ S
Linen Trolley P.C
Linen Trolley S/ S
Locker 6 Door
Locker 12 Door
Locker 15 Door
Matrass Super Foam 10 cm + cover Vinyl
Matrass Super Foam 14 cm + cover Vinyl
Mayo Stand P.C
Mayo Stand S/ S
Mayo Stand S/ S (alas kayu)
Mayo Stand S/ S Knock Down
Mayo Stand Deluxe With Gas Spring
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu S/ S
Medicine Trolley 36 Rack Acrlic P.C
Medicine Trolley 24 Rack + PP P.C
Medicine Trolley 24 Rack + PP S/ S
Medicine Trolley 26 Rack S/ S
Medicine Trolley 36 P/ C
Medicine Trolley 36 S/ S
Mortuary Carriage (TANDU JENAZAH) P/ C
Mortuary Carriage (TANDU JENAZAH) S/ S
Mortuary Table (MANDI MAYAT) S/ S
Operating Table P/ C
Operating Table S/ S
Operating Table Hi-Lo Electric P/ C
Operating Table Hi-Lo Electric S/ S
Operating Table Delux Hidrolik
Operating Table Deluxe Electric
Over Bed Table P/ C ( BMS-202 )
Over Bed Table S/ S
Over Bed Table Deluxe S/ S
Radiology Room Instalation ( Plat PB/ Timbal) / m²
Radiology Table P/ C
Radiology Table S/ S
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) P.C
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) + Stand Lamp P.C
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) S/ S
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) + Stand Lamp S/ S
Scrub Station 1 Persons
Scrub Station 2 Persons
Scrub Station 1 Persons (Dryer Full Automatic Sensor)
Scrub Station 2 Persons (Dryer Full Automatic Sensor)
Sound Chamber Audiometri Cabinet Finishing Sanding
Sound Chamber Audiometri Cabinet Finishing Tacoon
Stand Lamp Halogen
Stand Lamp Standard
Standart Cassete (X-Ray Film Stand Holder) P/ C
Standart Cassete (X-Ray Film Stand Holder) S/ S
Stool Chair P/ C
Stool Chair S/ S
Stool Chair S/ S deluxe
Phlebetomi Chair P/ C (Kursi Transfusi Darah)
Phlebetomi Chair S/ S (Kursi Transfusi Darah)
Trolley Oxygen 1 m³ P/ C
Trolley Oxygen 1 m³ S/ S
Trolley Oxygen 1.5 m³ PC
Trolley Oxygen 1.5 m³ SS
Trolley Oxygen 6 m³ PC
Trolley Oxygen 6 m³ SS
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 2 lamp
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 4 lamp
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 5 lamp
USG Trolley PC
USG Trolley Deluxe PC
Verlos Bed P.C
Verlos Bed S/ S
Visual chart light box electric
Visual chart light box electric +remote
Waiting Chair 3 Person
Waiting Chair 4 Person
Waiting Chair 5 Person
X-Ray Barrier (Tabir)
X-Ray Film Dryer P.C 12 hanger
X-Ray Film Dryer S/ S 12 hanger
X-Ray Viewer Single
X-Ray Viewer Double
X-Ray Viewer Single Delux
X-Ray Viewer Double Delux
Incenerator Single Burner 0, 1 m²
Incenerator Single Burner 0, 3 m²
Incenerator Double Burner 0, 5 m²
Incenerator Double Burner 1 m²
Baby Tripod (Timbangan Posyandu)
Developer Tank Fiber ( Xray Film ) 20 L
Developer Tank S/ S ( Xray Film ) 20 L
UV Safety Cabinet
Processing X-Ray Film
Casework Deluxe
Terima kasih atas kunjungan Anda dan saya harap Anda tidak ragu untuk menghubungi kami jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan tentang produk dan informasi tentang perusahaan kami.
Bumi Indah Putra, PT adalah industri manufaktur peralatan medis, dan Kami 100% perusahaan lokal Indonesia.
Kami menawarkan berbagai produk medis dari meja operasi sampai tempat tidur rumah sakit, serta perlengkapan untuk ruang Operasi, Perawatan dan berbagai macap alat alat perlengkapan rumah sakit.
Kepuasan pelanggan adalah prioritas bagi kami. kami berusaha untuk melakukan pendekatan dengan pelanggan agar kami memahami kebutuhan dan dengan sigap bereaksi dan memasok unit barang dalam waktu singkat.
Selain itu, kami adalah perusahaan yang sangat berambisius dan beniat untuk tumbuh dan berinovasi untuk menjadi yang terdepan.
Dan apa yang Anda cari?
Email : nugrahaadjie@ / ajibip@
Produk / Jasa UtamaMenjual :
Pabrikasi Hospital Furniture
Kami meproduksi berbagai macam barang-barang hospital furniture.
Supplier Alat-alat kesehatan
menjual berbagai macam alat-alat medis.
Instalasi ruang radiology
menjual serta Menyediakan jasa pemasangan timbal untuk keperluan ruang radiology.
Ambulance Stretcher Multipurpose
Ambulance Stretcher Multipurpose
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulance Stretcher Standard
Ambulancer Folding Stretche (Tandu) lipat 2
Ambulancer Folding Stretche (Tandu) S/ S
Anasthesy Trolley P/ C
Anasthesy Trolley S/ S
Baby Box P.C
Baby Box S/ S
Baby Cot P/ C
Baby Cot S/ S
Bed Screen Single P.C
Bed Screen Single S/ S
Bed Screen Double P.C
Bed Screen Double S/ S
Bed Screen Triple P.C
Bed Screen Triple S/ S
Bed Side Cabinet
Bed Side Cabinet Cover Hostic
Bed Side Cabinet + Food Tray
Bed Side Cabinet + Food Tray Cover Hostic
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 4 Lamp
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 5 Lamp
Blue Light / Photo Therapy 6 Lamp
Bowl Stand Single P/ C
Bowl Stand Single S/ S
Bowl Stand Single Deluxe P/ C
Bowl Stand Single Deluxe S/ S
Bowl Stand Double P/ C
Bowl Stand Double S/ S
Bowl Stand Double Deluxe P/ C
Bowl Stand Double Deluxe S/ S
Brangcart Patient P/ C
Brangcart Patient S/ S
Brangcart Standard P/ C
Brangcart Standard S/ S
Brangcart Complete P/ C
Brangcart Complete S/ S
Brangcart Hi-Lo
Brangcart Super Deluxe
Children Hospital Bed P/ C
Children Hospital Bed S/ S
Children Hospital Bed 1 Crank P/ C
Children Hospital Bed 1 Crank S/ S
Matrass Children Bed
Dressing Trolley P/ C
Dressing Trolley S/ S
Emergency Trolley P.C
Emergency Trolley S/ S
Examine Table P.C + Foot Step P.C
Examine Table S/ S + Foot Step P.C
Examine Table Advance
Examine Table Electric P/ C
Examine Table Electric S/ S
Food Trolley 8 Rack (1 Door) S/ S
Food Trolley 16 Rack (2 Door) S/ S
Food Trolley 24 Rack (3 Door) S/ S
Foot Step P.C
Foot Step S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair P.C
Gynaecolog Chair S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair With Crank P.C
Gynaecolog Chair With Crank S/ S
Gynaecolog Chair Electric
Gynaecolog Examination Table P.C
Gynaecolog Examination Table S/ S
Gynaecolog Examination Table With Crank P/ C
Gynaecolog Examination Table With Crank S/ S
Hospital Bed Economy No CranK
Hospital Bed Economy (Gigi Balang)
Hospital Bed Economy 1 Crank
Hospital Bed No Crank
Hospital Bed (Gigi Balang)
Hospital Bed 1 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 1 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 1 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Hospital Bed 2 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 2 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 2 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Hospital Bed 3 Crank + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 3 Crank ABS Panel + Side Rail
Hospital Bed 3 Crank Deluxe (ABS Panel & Electric)
Matrass Hospital bed
Icu Bed + Side Rail
Icu Bed Electric + Side Rail
Incubator Standard
Incubator Standard
Incubator Thermostat
Incubator Digital Control
Incubator Digital Control Type Deluxe
Incubator Servo + skin Control
Incubator Transport
Infant Warmer
Infant Warmer + Skin Control
Infusion Stand 3 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 3 Wheel S/ S
Infusion Stand 4 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 4 Wheel S/ S
Infusion Stand 5 Wheel P/ C
Infusion Stand 5 Wheel S/ S
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S
Instrument Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Instrument Cabinet 2 Pintu S/ S Full Glass
Instrument Glass Trolley P/ C
Instrument Glass Trolley S/ S
Instrument Trolley 2 Drawer (Laci) P/ C
Instrument Trolley 2 Drawer (Laci) S/ S
Instrument Trolley 1 Drawer P/ C
Instrument Trolley 1 Drawer S/ S
Instrument Trolley 3 Shelf P/ C
Instrument Trolley 3 Shelf S/ S
Instrument Trolley P/ C
Instrument Trolley S/ S
Laundry Cart + Linen P/ C ( Bulat )
Laundry Cart + Linen S/ S ( Bulat )
Laundry Trolley P.C
Laundry Trolley S/ S
Linen Trolley P.C
Linen Trolley S/ S
Locker 6 Door
Locker 12 Door
Locker 15 Door
Matrass Super Foam 10 cm + cover Vinyl
Matrass Super Foam 14 cm + cover Vinyl
Mayo Stand P.C
Mayo Stand S/ S
Mayo Stand S/ S (alas kayu)
Mayo Stand S/ S Knock Down
Mayo Stand Deluxe With Gas Spring
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Medicine Cabinet 1 Pintu S/ S
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C Full Glass
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu P.C
Medicine Cabinet 2 Pintu S/ S
Medicine Trolley 36 Rack Acrlic P.C
Medicine Trolley 24 Rack + PP P.C
Medicine Trolley 24 Rack + PP S/ S
Medicine Trolley 26 Rack S/ S
Medicine Trolley 36 P/ C
Medicine Trolley 36 S/ S
Mortuary Carriage (TANDU JENAZAH) P/ C
Mortuary Carriage (TANDU JENAZAH) S/ S
Mortuary Table (MANDI MAYAT) S/ S
Operating Table P/ C
Operating Table S/ S
Operating Table Hi-Lo Electric P/ C
Operating Table Hi-Lo Electric S/ S
Operating Table Delux Hidrolik
Operating Table Deluxe Electric
Over Bed Table P/ C ( BMS-202 )
Over Bed Table S/ S
Over Bed Table Deluxe S/ S
Radiology Room Instalation ( Plat PB/ Timbal) / m²
Radiology Table P/ C
Radiology Table S/ S
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) P.C
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) + Stand Lamp P.C
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) S/ S
Resussitasi Table (Baby Tafel) + Stand Lamp S/ S
Scrub Station 1 Persons
Scrub Station 2 Persons
Scrub Station 1 Persons (Dryer Full Automatic Sensor)
Scrub Station 2 Persons (Dryer Full Automatic Sensor)
Sound Chamber Audiometri Cabinet Finishing Sanding
Sound Chamber Audiometri Cabinet Finishing Tacoon
Stand Lamp Halogen
Stand Lamp Standard
Standart Cassete (X-Ray Film Stand Holder) P/ C
Standart Cassete (X-Ray Film Stand Holder) S/ S
Stool Chair P/ C
Stool Chair S/ S
Stool Chair S/ S deluxe
Phlebetomi Chair P/ C (Kursi Transfusi Darah)
Phlebetomi Chair S/ S (Kursi Transfusi Darah)
Trolley Oxygen 1 m³ P/ C
Trolley Oxygen 1 m³ S/ S
Trolley Oxygen 1.5 m³ PC
Trolley Oxygen 1.5 m³ SS
Trolley Oxygen 6 m³ PC
Trolley Oxygen 6 m³ SS
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 2 lamp
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 4 lamp
U.V Mobile Sterilizer 5 lamp
USG Trolley PC
USG Trolley Deluxe PC
Verlos Bed P.C
Verlos Bed S/ S
Visual chart light box electric
Visual chart light box electric +remote
Waiting Chair 3 Person
Waiting Chair 4 Person
Waiting Chair 5 Person
X-Ray Barrier (Tabir)
X-Ray Film Dryer P.C 12 hanger
X-Ray Film Dryer S/ S 12 hanger
X-Ray Viewer Single
X-Ray Viewer Double
X-Ray Viewer Single Delux
X-Ray Viewer Double Delux
Incenerator Single Burner 0, 1 m²
Incenerator Single Burner 0, 3 m²
Incenerator Double Burner 0, 5 m²
Incenerator Double Burner 1 m²
Baby Tripod (Timbangan Posyandu)
Developer Tank Fiber ( Xray Film ) 20 L
Developer Tank S/ S ( Xray Film ) 20 L
UV Safety Cabinet
Processing X-Ray Film
Casework Deluxe
Free Member
(Kantor Pemasaran) : Graha Bumi Indah Jl. Inspeksi Kalimalang Kav. Agraria Blok E No. 80/10 Duren Sawit - Jakarta Timur (Workshop) : Jl. Kejaksaan Blok d No.85 RT.011/ 11 Pondok Bambu - Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur | Jakarta 13430, Jakarta Indonesia
Login Terakhir 04-03-2013
085280079118_(RONY HAMID) 08568172674_(AJI NUGRAH
085280079118 ( Rony ) 08568172674 ( Aji Nugraha )
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