Danfoss Solenoid Valve
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Spesifikasi Danfoss Solenoid Valve
Danfoss Solenoid Valve
Solenoid Valves, Fluorinated Refrigerants The solenoid valve program covers a lot of different valves designed for specific applications in the refrigeration plant. This means that they are available in a lot of different sizes, connection types and with coils for all common voltage and frequency.
The valve is delivered as a parts program to give the possibility of designing the valve due to your demand.
series : EVR, EVU
Solenoid Valves, Fluorinated Refrigerants The solenoid valve program covers a lot of different valves designed for specific applications in the refrigeration plant. This means that they are available in a lot of different sizes, connection types and with coils for all common voltage and frequency.
The valve is delivered as a parts program to give the possibility of designing the valve due to your demand.
series : EVR, EVU
Victoria Jaya
Victoria Jaya sebagai toko pusat penjualan spare part dan alat-alat pendingin sudah berpengalaman dibidangnya. Menyediakan berbagai macam suku cadang pendingin untuk rumah tangga, komersial dan industrial. Dari spare part AC, kulkas, pipa, kompresor/ compressor, condensing, coller, dll dengan harga murah.
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Kami tidak hanya menjual tetapi sales kami juga memiliki informasi teknikal masing-masing produk yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli.
Kepuasan Anda adalah juga kepuasan kami.
Victoria Jaya
Free Member
Gedung Lindeteves Trade Center Lt. GF 1 Blok B 11 No.2 Jakarta 11180, Jakarta Indonesia
Login Terakhir 11-03-2013
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