Fan Motor Kulthorn
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Spesifikasi Fan Motor Kulthorn
Fan Motor Kulthorn
KHF 3H 4000
KHF 3T 4000
KHF 3W 4000
KJF 4Y 700A
KJA 4P 712E
KJA 2S 4000
KJA 2M 4700
KJA 2M 4727
KJA 2P 4700
1/ 4 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
1/ 2 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
3/ 4 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
16 W
20 W
1/ 20 pk
18 W
Deskripsi :
The Kulthorn Group was originally founded in 1965 to import refrigeration and air-conditioning components from the United States, Europe and Japan. Since then, the Group has steadily expanded over the past four decades, developing its range of products to become, today, a major supplier and distributor of high-quality refrigeration and air-conditioning parts, as well as top-quality pneumatic, hydraulic and other products from around the world. Over the years, the Group has established a chain of manufacturing and supply operations to supply the domestic and export markets with a range of quality products and customer-oriented services.
KHF 3H 4000
KHF 3T 4000
KHF 3W 4000
KJF 4Y 700A
KJA 4P 712E
KJA 2S 4000
KJA 2M 4700
KJA 2M 4727
KJA 2P 4700
1/ 4 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
1/ 2 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
3/ 4 pk, 220 V, 1 phase
16 W
20 W
1/ 20 pk
18 W
Deskripsi :
The Kulthorn Group was originally founded in 1965 to import refrigeration and air-conditioning components from the United States, Europe and Japan. Since then, the Group has steadily expanded over the past four decades, developing its range of products to become, today, a major supplier and distributor of high-quality refrigeration and air-conditioning parts, as well as top-quality pneumatic, hydraulic and other products from around the world. Over the years, the Group has established a chain of manufacturing and supply operations to supply the domestic and export markets with a range of quality products and customer-oriented services.
Victoria Jaya
Victoria Jaya sebagai toko pusat penjualan spare part dan alat-alat pendingin sudah berpengalaman dibidangnya. Menyediakan berbagai macam suku cadang pendingin untuk rumah tangga, komersial dan industrial. Dari spare part AC, kulkas, pipa, kompresor/ compressor, condensing, coller, dll dengan harga murah.
Kami tidak hanya menjual tetapi sales kami juga memiliki informasi teknikal masing-masing produk yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli.
Kepuasan Anda adalah juga kepuasan kami.
Kami tidak hanya menjual tetapi sales kami juga memiliki informasi teknikal masing-masing produk yang dibutuhkan oleh pembeli.
Kepuasan Anda adalah juga kepuasan kami.
Victoria Jaya
Free Member
Gedung Lindeteves Trade Center Lt. GF 1 Blok B 11 No.2 Jakarta 11180, Jakarta Indonesia
Login Terakhir 11-03-2013
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