Nikon Stereo Microscope MSZ445
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Spesifikasi Nikon Stereo Microscope MSZ445
Type: Twin zooming objective optical system
Total magnification: 8x ~ 35x ( 4x ~ 70x by replacing eyepiece and/ or auxiliary objective lens)
Eyepiece: SM 10xB eyepieces ( F.N. 21) , SM 15xB eyepieces ( F.N.14) , SM 20xB eyepieces ( F.N. 12)
Zoom range: 0.8x ~ 3.5x ( Zoom ratio: 4.4: 1)
Auxiliary objective lens: AL0.5x, 0.7x ( optional)
Working distance: 100mm ( standard configuration) , 127.5mm ( AL0.7x) , 181mm ( AL0.5x)
Eyepiece inclination: 45º
Optical system: True erect image, 12º inner bevel, independent adjustment of right and left eyepieces, and 54 to 75mm interpupillary adjustment
Weight ( Zooming body) : Approx. 1.0kg
Type: Twin zooming objective optical system
Total magnification: 8x ~ 35x ( 4x ~ 70x by replacing eyepiece and/ or auxiliary objective lens)
Eyepiece: SM 10xB eyepieces ( F.N. 21) , SM 15xB eyepieces ( F.N.14) , SM 20xB eyepieces ( F.N. 12)
Zoom range: 0.8x ~ 3.5x ( Zoom ratio: 4.4: 1)
Auxiliary objective lens: AL0.5x, 0.7x ( optional)
Working distance: 100mm ( standard configuration) , 127.5mm ( AL0.7x) , 181mm ( AL0.5x)
Eyepiece inclination: 45º
Optical system: True erect image, 12º inner bevel, independent adjustment of right and left eyepieces, and 54 to 75mm interpupillary adjustment
Weight ( Zooming body) : Approx. 1.0kg
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