Vega Plus
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471 kali
Jawa Barat - Bogor
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Spesifikasi Vega Plus
Vega Plus® is a flexible, homogeneous, vinyl floorcovering
with directional marbled pattern coloured & designed
throughout the 2.00 thickness of the product.
Available in sheets & tiles, the surface is compacted for improved
wear and is processed with an easy clean PUR surface
treatment that reduces maintenance acting as a barrier
against stains and chemical aggression.
Vega Plus® is antifungal and antibacterial. The flooring
complies with the EN 649 (34 / 43) and has a group P wear
rating. It is suitable for heavy traffic areas.
Prima Sentris Saputra
Primasentris established in 2003, a vision to establish a network that facilitate a connection between a good quality product & a special requirement.
Prima Sentris Saputra
Free Member
Jl. Sukasari II No. 25-27
Jawa Barat - Bogor
Login Terakhir 31-08-2014
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