Pintu Rolling Plastik PVC
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499 kali
Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo
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Spesifikasi Pintu Rolling Plastik PVC
Pintu Rolling berbahan PVC yang biasa disebut High Speed Door. Kenapa High Speed Door karena pastilah lokasi tempat pasang Rolling Door ini ditempat-tempat yang access keluar masuk misalnya forklift sangat tinggi dan pintu diharapkan akan menutup kembali dengan cepat agar debu dan serangga tidak masuk ke area tersebut.
Sistem operasinya bisa meggunakan Motioan Sensor, Loop Detector, Remote Control, Push Button, Access Card yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer.
Konsultasikan kubutuhan anda dengan kami :
Door to enhance the use of multi-block, with super strength, resistance to wind pressure and good insulation properties, durable, easy to operate, safe and reliable. Adapt to the top of the building, high-grade plant, warehouse and a larger space in the doorway. 1. high intensity fire insulation, sound insulation, spray the surface corrosion.
2. Install tamper device, effectively protect your property.
3. Bearing pulleys easy adjustment to ensure smooth lifting process without noise
4 double security guards, fall protection + anti-fracture
Sistem operasinya bisa meggunakan Motioan Sensor, Loop Detector, Remote Control, Push Button, Access Card yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan customer.
Konsultasikan kubutuhan anda dengan kami :
Door to enhance the use of multi-block, with super strength, resistance to wind pressure and good insulation properties, durable, easy to operate, safe and reliable. Adapt to the top of the building, high-grade plant, warehouse and a larger space in the doorway. 1. high intensity fire insulation, sound insulation, spray the surface corrosion.
2. Install tamper device, effectively protect your property.
3. Bearing pulleys easy adjustment to ensure smooth lifting process without noise
4 double security guards, fall protection + anti-fracture
RUNWELL TECHNOLOGY memasarkan product-poduct yang terkait dengan Pintu dan Pagar. Diantaranya Mesin Pintu Otomatis, Pintu Sensor, Pintu Kaca, Pintu sensor Kaca, Pintu Mall, Pagar Geser, Motor Pagar, Pagar Remot, Palang Parkir, Barrier Gate, Portal Otomatis, Kunci Hotel, Speed Door, Pintu Rolling Otomatis, Turstile, Tripod, Full-high Turnstile, Pagar Geser Otomatis dan masih Banyak lagi.
Free Member
Jl. KH Mukmin 11, Ruko Centro Avenue Blok D-7, CI WALK, Citra Indah, Sodoarjo, JAWA TIMUR
Jawa Timur - Sidoarjo
Login Terakhir 26-08-2014
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