MapInfo Professional Version 12.0
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Spesifikasi MapInfo Professional Version 12.0
Software MapInfo Professional Version 12.0
With new cartographic output features such as enhanced automatic labelling
options, new scalebar enhancements, and greater flexibility over legend and layout
objects, making maps that stand out has never been so easy.
Cartographic output
MapInfo Professional v12.0 provides greater control over the appearance of scalebars
allowing transparent backgrounds and borders, giving more space for map display.
Enhancements to the Legend Designer introduced in v11.5 provide control over
the order of objects within a frame, automatic word wrapping for long text and
resizing of style swatches for individual layers. Objects within the layout window can
now be quickly aligned.
MapInfo Professional v12.0 delivers substantial improvements to the creation and
placement of labels, reducing the need to create custom labels. New smart algorithms
allow users to place more curved labels on a map automatically. Options are also
provided to fall back to rotated labels where lines are too jagged or curved labels will
not fit. Curved labels can now be moved by clicking and dragging them to a new location.
New algorithms provide intelligent placement of labels for polygons, automatically
determining the best location and size for individual labels on densely populated maps.
This combined with new automatic callout placement and the ability to set the priority
of labelled layers within a map provides a set of comprehensive and flexible labelling options.
Ease of use
MapInfo Professional v12.0 continues to be the world’s most powerful easy to use GIS.
New tools such as Compare Table Structure which allows users to compare and edit
data in multiple tables simultaneously, the new PolyBuilder tool for automatically
creating polygons from digitized linework and the new Quick Translator tool for
getting non-native data in and out of MapInfo Professional, mean complex operations
are made straightforward, saving valuable time.
Technology updates
With support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, MapInfo Professional v12.0 allows
organisations to make use of the latest hardware and software available. Users are now
also able to read, write and create SQLite databases allowing seamless interoperability
with the range of Autodesk products. The inclusion of the new Quick Translator makes
getting data in and out of MapInfo Professional easier than ever. MapInfo Professional v12
also adds support for PostGIS 2.0, adds improved support for SQL Server Geography type
and support for WFS v1.1.
In product notifications
MapInfo Professional v12.0 allows you to keep up-to-date with the latest MapInfo news and
events through the inclusion of an in-product notification system. The new reader inside
MapInfo Professional will automatically check for and retrieve notifications of important
information such as patch releases and updates, thought leadership articles and license
expiry notifications.
Dolphin Sentosa
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Dolphin Sentosa
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