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KeteranganSWL-I Anti corrosion resistance reducing agent ( ground enhancement material) is a new powdery ground material. This product is of high corrosion resistance, conductivity stability, high resistance reduction efficiency. Product is widely used in electric power, metallurgy, petrochemical, telecommunications, and other areas.
Anti corrosion On installation site, physical resistance-reducing agent mixes with water to form colloidal after solidifies , it closely attaches to the ground metal electrode around, preventing the metal electrode from erosion of corrosive gas, acid, alkali, salt and other media.
Stable conductivity Graphite electrode exists in physical resistance-reducing agent, after solidified underground, there is no physical or chemical changes, the conductivity isn' t affected by high or low temperature, even dryness or humidity.
High efficiency on resistance reducing Physical resistance-reducing agent resistivity is far less than the soil resistivity, when installed, gelling fluid penetrates into the soil, it can increase the effective interface between the metal electrode and the resistance reducing agent layer, as well as the interface between the resistance reducing agent layer and the soil , which is helpful to release the current and reduce resistance stably.
Untuk detail spesifikasi, dan harga : Hubungi kami ( GROUNDROD = ( 021) -3158970 / / PAK KOONG = 085814028789 / / PAK SIGIT SUGIHARTO = 085310538110 / / EB Santoso = 085215866584 )
Anti corrosion On installation site, physical resistance-reducing agent mixes with water to form colloidal after solidifies , it closely attaches to the ground metal electrode around, preventing the metal electrode from erosion of corrosive gas, acid, alkali, salt and other media.
Stable conductivity Graphite electrode exists in physical resistance-reducing agent, after solidified underground, there is no physical or chemical changes, the conductivity isn' t affected by high or low temperature, even dryness or humidity.
High efficiency on resistance reducing Physical resistance-reducing agent resistivity is far less than the soil resistivity, when installed, gelling fluid penetrates into the soil, it can increase the effective interface between the metal electrode and the resistance reducing agent layer, as well as the interface between the resistance reducing agent layer and the soil , which is helpful to release the current and reduce resistance stably.
Untuk detail spesifikasi, dan harga : Hubungi kami ( GROUNDROD = ( 021) -3158970 / / PAK KOONG = 085814028789 / / PAK SIGIT SUGIHARTO = 085310538110 / / EB Santoso = 085215866584 )
TOKO GROUND ROD menyediakan berbagai material untuk kebutuhan system grounding ( sistem pentanahan) , Lightning Protection System ( sistem proteksi petir) , material untuk jaringan distribusi listrik, dan lain-lainnya.
Barang-barang tersebut antara lain:
A. Grounding rod tembaga murni dengan berbagai diameter ( 5/ 8" , 3/ 4" ) dan berbagai panjang ( 1.5 meter, 3 meter, 2.4 meter, 4 meter) & Ground rod copper bond ( besi lapis tembaga) dengan berbagai diameter ( 5/ 8" , 3/ 4" ) dan berbagai panjang ( 1.5 meter, 2.4 meter, 3 meter, 4 meter) & Ground rod stainless steel grade 304, dan grade 316 diameter ( 5/8", 3/4", 1") dengan berbagai panjang ( 1.5, 2.4, 3, dan 4 meter.
B. Conventional air terminal ( Splitzen) terbuat dari tembaga, almunium,stinless stell, copper bond dan kuningan dengan berbagai ukuran diameter ( 1/ 2" , 3/ 4" , 1" ) dan panjang ( 30cm, 50 cm, 60cm, 1m dan ukuran yang lain) . Air terminal base dengan berbagai jenis, terbuat dari kuningan, dan tembaga ( untuk air terminal diameter 5/ 8" atau 3/ 4" ) .
C. Coupler terbuat dari kuningan dan stainless steel ( import) dengan ukuran 5/ 8" & 3/ 4" untuk penyambungan grounding rod agar lebih panjang.
D. Driving head dan drilling head, terbuat dari baja, dengan ukuran 5/ 8" dan 3/ 4" untuk melindungi ujung ground rod agar tidak rusak .
E. Busbar tembaga ( import maupun lokal) dan almunium dengan berbagai ukuran lebar, tebal dan panjang.
F. GEM ( ground enhance material) / material enhancer grounding ( MEG ) dan Bentonite / Bentonit untuk meningkatkan konduktifitas tanah.
G. Busbar insulator dengan berbagai ukuran, SM-25, SM-35, SM-40, SM-50, SM-76 dan lain-lain sebagainya dengan dan atau tanpa mur. Tersedia juga isolator keramik ukuran 50 x 40 & 40 x 40, yang banyak dipakai di proyek selular.
H. Exothermic powder, Handle clamp, Flint gun, Moulding, & accessories merek Kumwell dan merek lainnya.
I. Cable lugs atau skun kabel atau scun cable atau cable shoes ( copper, almunium, bi-metal) berbagai ukuran dan fungsi.
J. Crimping tools ( manual atau hydraulic) dengan kulitas dan harga yang bagus.
K. Earth inspection pit terbuat dari PVC dan coran semen.
L. Surge Arrestor & Early Streamer Emission ( ESE) .
O. Cable grounding tembaga ( BC, BCC) , cable grounding aluminum ( AAC, AAAC) , NYFGBY, NYY
P. Aluminum tape ( 25 x 3 ) & ( 40 x 4 ) & Copper tape ( Copper rail) ukuran 25 x 3
Merek-merek yang kami bawa: Sutrado, Eterna, Kabelindo, Voksel, Supreme, Jembo, Kabelmetal, Erico, Furse, Kumwell, LPI, LTI, Socome, Jinhua, Thundereagle, Telehof, Pervectron, KSS, Puramayungan, Sinarindo, Bambang Djaja, Vickers, ABB dan sebagainya
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TOKO GROUND ROD, Pasar Kenari Lama Lt. Dasar AKS No. 184, Jl. Salemba Raya, Jakarta Pusat JAKARTA, Jakarta Indonesia
DKI Jakarta - Jakarta Pusat
Login Terakhir 04-02-2016
085283891600 / 085310538110
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