Fluke 1560 Black Stack thermometer Calibration

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Spesifikasi Fluke 1560 Black Stack thermometer Calibration


FLUKE 1560
Fluke Calibration’ s Black Stack thermometer readout has been on the market for many years and has established itself as one of the most versatile, cost-effective, accurate readouts in the world.

Nothing about this instrument says ordinary. Traditionally, thermometers were square boxes configured to do one particular job— such as read a calibrated PRT. However, if you also wanted to measure thermistors, you had to buy another instrument that could do this specific task. Some thermometers can do multiple jobs, but they’ re expensive, complex, and difficult to use. You’ re paying for functions you don’ t need and may never use. The Black Stack solves these problems and more.

The 1560 Black Stack thermometer readout can be any kind of thermometer you want it to be, and it works in three distinctive ways.

It’ s a reference thermometer with a NIST traceable calibration; it’ s an automated calibration system reading your reference probe and sensors you’ re testing; or it’ s a high-accuracy data acquisition system. And it does each of these functions better than any other thermometer currently on the market.

The Stack consists of up to eight different modules that fit together to do any type of thermometry you choose. You can buy all of them, or any combination of them, and change the Stack and its functions anytime you want. Each module stacks behind the preceding one, and when you add a module, the Stack’ s software automatically reconfigures itself to include all of the new functions supplied by that module. There’ s nothing to take apart. No boards need to be installed. There’ s no software to load, and nothing has to be calibrated. Just stack a new module onto the back of the previous modules and you’ re ready to use the Black Stack and all of its remarkable features

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DARMATEK berasal dari sebuah Toko yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2010 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik.

Karena seiring dengan waktu dan perkembangan yang begitu pesat maka kami mencoba untuk memasarkan secara online berbagai Produk dan Merk di bidang Safety, Teknik, Electronic, Survey, Sirene, Laboratory, dLL. Tujuannya agar market kami dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Toko online kami berkomitmen mengedepankan Pelayanan yang maksimal dengan melakukan efisiensi waktu, dan biaya, sehingga para konsumen tidak perlu lagi " memusingkan diri " dalam pemesanan barang. Anda pesan, harga deal, kami antar barang anda.

Kami juga menyediakan alat alat untuk keperluan Survey dan Laboratorium seperti: Total Station, Auto Level, Theodolite, Lasermeter pengukur Jarak, Teropong/ Binocullar, Nightvision, Kompas, Altimeter, Anemometer, Weather Station, Lux Meter, Thermometer Hygrometer dst dengan ditunjang merek-merek yang sudah terkenal di dunia survey seperti : TOPCON, SOKKIA, NIKON, SOUTH, HORIZON, LEICA, GARMIN, SUUNTO, BRUNTON, LUTRON, SMART SENSOR, DAVIS, LUTRON, SANFIX, PCE, SANWA, TENMARS, PCE, SEW, PROTEK, AZ INSTRUMENT, SIRINE, ATTEN, OWON, DEKKO, AMPROBE, ATAGO dan lain-lain.

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