Fluke 718 Pressure Calibrator

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Spesifikasi Fluke 718 Pressure Calibrator

 The complete solution to pressure calibration

The Fluke 718 pressure calibrator family (includes 4 models) provide a total pressure calibration solution for transmitters, gauges and switches. This compact pressure calibration solution is about a third of the size of comparable instruments and weighs just one kilogram (two pounds). The unique easy to clean pump helps protect the pump from damage and provides the ability to service the pump without disassembly, even in the field.

  • Pressure Source and Milliamp Measurement to calibrate and maintain almost any pressure device
  • Integrated pump is easily cleaned when accidently exposed to fluids that reduces cost of ownership and repairs and enables servicing the pump in the field
  • Error % calculation for quicker pass/fail decision making in the field
  • Best in class mA accuracy of 0.015 % for better measurement confidence and workload coverage
  • Min/Max/Hold to capture changing measurements
  • Switch test feature for quicker and more accurate pressure switch testing
  • New 1 and 300 PSI pressure ranges mean fewer extra tools required
  • 1, 30, 100 & 300 PSI ranges now available

Technical Specifications
718 Series  
Measure Pressure  (internal sensor)
Accuracy  0.025% full scale
Functions  zero, min/max, hold, damp
Note:  Dry air, non-corrosives only
718 1G  
Range:  -1 PSI to +1 PSI, -68.9 mbar to 68.9 mbar (-6.89 kPa to 6.89 kPa)
Resolution:  0.0001 psi, 0.001 mbar, 0.0001 kPa
Over Pressure:  5x Full Scale
Functions:  Zero, Min, Max, Hold, Damp
718 30G  
Range:  -12 PSI to 30 PSI, (-850 mbar to 2 bar, -85 to 206.84 kPa)
Resolution:  0.001 psi, 0.1 mbar, 0.01 kPa
Over Pressure:  5x Full Scale
Functions:  Zero, Min, Max, Hold, Damp
718 100G  
Range:  -12 PSI to 100 PSI, (-850 mbar to 7 bar, -85 to 689.48 kPa)
Resolution:  0.01 psi, 0.1 mbar, 0.01 kPa
Over Pressure:  2x Full Scale
Functions:  Zero, Min, Max, Hold, Damp
718 300G  
Range:  -12 PSI to 300 PSI, (-850 mbar to 20 bar, -85 to 2068.42 kPa )
Resolution:  0.01 psi, 1 mbar, 0.1 kPa
Over Pressure:  375 PSI 25 bar
Functions:  Zero, Min, Max, Hold, Damp
Fluke 718 series via using 700 Series Pressure Modules
Range:  29 pressure modules, 0 – 1 in H20 to 10,000 psi, 2.5 mbar to 700 bar. Over pressure per pressure module specs
Resolution:  Per pressure module specs
Accuracy:  To 0.025 % of full span, per pressure module specs
Functions:  Zero, Min, Max, Hold, Damp
   Note: media compatibility per pressure module specs
Fluke 718 series via built in pump
Range:  -12 PSI or -850 mbar to full scale Supported Pressure Units; psi, in H20 (4 °C), in H20 (20 °C), cm H20 (4 °C), cm H20 (20 °C), bar, mbar, kPa, inHg, mmHg, kg/cm
Loop Power:  Range: 24 V dc
   Accuracy: +/- 10 %
   Note: Drive; 20 mA into 1000 Ω for battery > 6.8V; 700 Ω for battery 5.8 to 6.8 V
mA Measure:  Range: 0 mA to 24 mA
   Resolution: 0.001 mA
   Accuracy: 0.015 % + 1 count


General Specifications
Maximum voltage
   30 volts: Non-operating
   -40 °C to 60 °C
Operating Temperature
   -10 °C to 55° C
Relative Humidity
   95 % (10 °C to 30 °C); 75 % (30 °C to 40 °C); 45 % (40 °C to 50 °C); 35 % (50 °C to 55 °C)
Operating Altitude
   3,000 M max
   1 M drop test
   Random, 2 g, 5 Hz – 500 Hz
   CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1: 1992
   EN50082-1: 1992 and EN55022: 1994 Class B
   216 mm x 94 mm x 66 mm (8.50 in x 3.72 in x 2.60 in)
   992 g (35 oz)
Power, battery life
   9V battery ANSI/NEDA 1604A or IEC 6LR619V alkaline; two batteries in 718
Battery Life
   4 to 20 hours typical, depending on functions used
   Three years (one year on pressure pump in Fluke 718)
   LCD, 5 digit pressure and current simultaneous
   For use with non-corrosive gasses

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Kami juga menyediakan alat alat untuk keperluan Survey dan Laboratorium seperti: Total Station, Auto Level, Theodolite, Lasermeter pengukur Jarak, Teropong/ Binocullar, Nightvision, Kompas, Altimeter, Anemometer, Weather Station, Lux Meter, Thermometer Hygrometer dst dengan ditunjang merek-merek yang sudah terkenal di dunia survey seperti : TOPCON, SOKKIA, NIKON, SOUTH, HORIZON, LEICA, GARMIN, SUUNTO, BRUNTON, LUTRON, SMART SENSOR, DAVIS, LUTRON, SANFIX, PCE, SANWA, TENMARS, PCE, SEW, PROTEK, AZ INSTRUMENT, SIRINE, ATTEN, OWON, DEKKO, AMPROBE, ATAGO dan lain-lain.

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