FLUKE 725 Multi function Process Calibrator

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Spesifikasi FLUKE 725 Multi function Process Calibrator

 The Fluke 725 Multifunction Process Calibrator is a powerful, yet easy-to-use field calibrator. Use the measure and source functions to test and calibrate almost any process parameter.
  • Small, streamlined shape, rugged, reliable design stands up to field use
  • Easy to read measure/source screen lets you view input and output simultaneously
  • Measure volts, mA, RTDs, thermocouples, frequency, and ohms to test sensors and transmitters
  • Source/simulate volts, mA, thermocouples , RTDs, frequency, ohms, and pressure to calibrate transmitters
  • Measure/source pressure using any of 29 Fluke 700Pxx Pressure Modules
  • Source mA with simultaneous pressure measurement to conduct valve and I/P tests
  • Support flow meter testing with frequency and CPM functions
  • Perform fast linearity tests with auto- step and auto-ramp features
  • Power transmitters during test using loop supply with simultaneous mA measurement
  • Handling of fast pulsed RTD transmitters and PLCs, with pulses as short as 10 ms
  • Store frequently used test setups for later use
Measurement Accuracy
Voltage DC 30.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts (upper display)
30.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts (lower display)
100.00 mV 0.02% + 2 counts
-10.00 mV to 75.00 mV 0.025% + 1 count (via TC connector)
Current DC 24.000 mA 0.02% + 2 counts
Resistance 0.0 to 400.0 Ω 0.1 Ω (4-wire), 0.15 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
401 to 1500 Ω 0.5 Ω (4-wire), 1 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
1500 to 3200 Ω 1 Ω (4-wire), 1.5 Ω (2- and 3-wire)
Frequency 2.0 to 1000.0 CPM 0.05% + 1 count
1.0 to 1100.0 Hz 0.05% + 1 count
1.00 to 10.00 kHz 0.05% + 1 count
Sensitivity 1 V peak-to-peak-minimum
Pressure Accuracy from 0.025% of range using any of 29 pressure modules (for detailed specifications refer to pressure modules in options and accessories). Modules available for differential, gauge, vacuum, absolute, dual and high pressure.
Source Accuracy
Voltage DC 100.00 mV 0.02% + 2 counts
10.000 V 0.02% + 2 counts
-10.00 mV to 75.00 mV 0.025% + 1 count (via TC connector)
Current DC 24.000 mA (source) 0.02% + 2 counts
24.000 mA (simulate) 0.02% + 2 counts
Resistance 15.0 to 400.0 Ω 0.15 Ω (exc. current 0.15 to 0.5 mA), 0.1 Ω (exc. current 0.5 to 2 mA)
401 to 1500 Ω 0.5 Ω (excitation current 0.05 to 0.8 mA)
1500 to 3200 Ω 1 Ω (excitation current 0.05 to 0.4 mA)
Frequency 2.0 to 1000.0 CPM 0.05%
1.0 to 1100.0 Hz 0.05%
1.00 to 10.00 kHz 0.25%
Waveform 5 V p-p squarewave, -0.1 V offset
RTDs and Thermocouples
Measure accuracy NI-120 0.2°C
PT-100 (385) 0.33°C
PT-100 (393) 0.3°C
PT-100 (JIS) 0.3°C
PT-200 (385) 0.2°C
PT-500 (385) 0.3°C
PT-1000 (385) 0.2°C
Resolution 0.1°C
J 0.7°C
K 0.8°C
T 0.8°C
E 0.7°C
R 1.8°C
S 1.5°C
B 1.4°C
L 0.7°C
U 0.75°C
N 0.9°C
Resolution J, K, T, E, L, N, U: 0.1°C, 0.1°F B, R, S: 1°C, 1°F
XK 0.6°C
BP 1.2°C
Source accuracy NI-120 0.2°C
PT-100 (385) 0.33°C
PT-100 (393) 0.3°C
PT-100 (JIS) 0.3°C
PT-200 (385) 0.2°C
PT-500 (385) 0.3°C
PT-1000 (385) 0.2°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy stated for 4-wire measurement.
J 0.7°C
K 0.8°C
T 0.8°C
E 0.7°C
R 1.4°C
S 1.5°C
B 1.4°C
L 0.7°C
U 0.75°C
N 0.9°C
Resolution J, K, T, E, L, N, U: 0.1°C, B, R, S: 1°C
XK 0.6°C
BP 1.2°C
Ramp functions Source functions Voltage, current, resistance, frequency, temperature
Ramps Slow ramp, Fast ramp, 25% step-ramp
Loop power function Voltage 24 V
Accuracy 10%
Maximum current 22 mA, short circuit protected
Step functions Source functions Voltage, current, resistance, frequency, temperature
Steps 25% of range, 100% of range
Environmental Specifications
Operating temperature -10°C to +55°C
Storage temperature -20°C to 71°C
Operating altitude 3000 m
Safety Specifications
Agency approvals EN 61010-1:1993, ANSI/ISA S82.01-1994; CAN/CSA C22.2 No 1010.1:1992
Mechanical and General Specifications
Size 130 x 236 x 61 mm
Weight 0.65 kg
Batteries 4 AA alkaline batteries
Battery replacement Separate battery compartment, accessable without breaking calibration seal
Side port connections Pressure module connector, also used for remote real-time programming

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DARMATEK berasal dari sebuah Toko yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2010 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik.

Karena seiring dengan waktu dan perkembangan yang begitu pesat maka kami mencoba untuk memasarkan secara online berbagai Produk dan Merk di bidang Safety, Teknik, Electronic, Survey, Sirene, Laboratory, dLL. Tujuannya agar market kami dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Toko online kami berkomitmen mengedepankan Pelayanan yang maksimal dengan melakukan efisiensi waktu, dan biaya, sehingga para konsumen tidak perlu lagi " memusingkan diri " dalam pemesanan barang. Anda pesan, harga deal, kami antar barang anda.

Kami juga menyediakan alat alat untuk keperluan Survey dan Laboratorium seperti: Total Station, Auto Level, Theodolite, Lasermeter pengukur Jarak, Teropong/ Binocullar, Nightvision, Kompas, Altimeter, Anemometer, Weather Station, Lux Meter, Thermometer Hygrometer dst dengan ditunjang merek-merek yang sudah terkenal di dunia survey seperti : TOPCON, SOKKIA, NIKON, SOUTH, HORIZON, LEICA, GARMIN, SUUNTO, BRUNTON, LUTRON, SMART SENSOR, DAVIS, LUTRON, SANFIX, PCE, SANWA, TENMARS, PCE, SEW, PROTEK, AZ INSTRUMENT, SIRINE, ATTEN, OWON, DEKKO, AMPROBE, ATAGO dan lain-lain.

Darmatek terus berupaya melakukan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan diri sebagai Wujud Partisipasi aktif untuk memajukan Industri di berbagai bidang di Indonesia dengan “ Kwalitas dan Harga terbaik” 


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