Agrosta DFT 14 Precision Instrument
Spesifikasi Agrosta DFT 14 Precision Instrument
Keterangan: Developped and manufactured in France by Agro Technologie for the firmness measurement of apples, pears, peaches and other crisp fruits and vegetables like cucumber, pickles or potatoes... The AGROSTA® 14 was born 25 years ago under the name of PENEFEL. It has since been adapted for the measurement of cows breasts firmness ( In order to detect diseases) , granules for rodents softness, foams and other industrial and food products The AGROSTA® 14 is a very high quality penetrometer, integrating the latest electronics technologies like surface mounted components, Microprocessor, Rohs components, top quality sensor... The AGROSTA® 14 displays the data instantly, no button has to be pressed - It registers the measurements by batch, and gives for each batch the average and the homogeneity coefficient. All those data are stored, and can be transfered later on a PC via Usb The principle is based on penetration of a calibrated tip into the fruit.
The AGROSTA® 14 measures the maximum pressure during penetration. For special measurements, like firmness of cows breasts or seeds, the tip doesnt penetrate into the product, but a pressure is measured on the surface The AGROSTA® 14 is equiped with rechargeable batteries ( High tech batteries) , and can work during many hours before recharging. A manual stand is normally provided with the AGROSTA® 14 Many penetrometer from asian origin are available on the market.
The AGROSTA® 14 is one of the few penetrometers completely manufactured in Europe, and integrating the latest electronics technologies
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