Hammer Test NJ-80 hub 082123568182

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Spesifikasi Hammer Test NJ-80 hub 082123568182

Hammer Test NJ-80 Hammer Test NJ-80
Deskripsi : The Concrete Test Hammer / Hammer Test, suitable for rapid quality control of concrete work is built on a scale pointer and graphics. Concrete Test Hammer Tool To measure the compressive strength of concrete or hard to know quickly and practically. Commonly used for Quality Control of work. * Used for non-destructive measurement of concrete / mortar compressive strength of concrete characteristics * Quality control of the uniform (in-situ concrete and prefabricated structures) * Detection of weak spots in the concrete. Hammer Name: NJ - 80 * Survey Type: N-type    Ø Survey Methods: Violence Repulsion * Survey Range: 100-600 kg/cm2 * Weight: 1.4 Kg * Includes: Hammer, grinding wheels, tote bags, manual records Hammer's Test Objectives This test uses a hammer impact testing of concrete surfaces, and then surveys the repulsion force Test Hammer's Principal NJ-80 hammer tests of high quality, the method is very simple and easy to survey the development of violence. Survey Methods Hammer - Palo has adapted to use ground before launch. mean adjusting typically R = 80 ± 1, but the tolerance of R = 80 ± 2 was approved, but the tolerance is * Discover the use of metal detectors iron rods and then void where an iron rod when you use a hammer. * Choose a plane * Avoid prominence and depression, fractures and gaps, pebble gravel, stone. * Remove the powder with a grinding stone. * Remove the stand and depression using a grinding stone. * Choose a place that is more than 10cm thick concrete. ii. measurement * Minimum 3 - 6cm away from the bars, the pillars * Size is 3cm by 3cm Hit the strike length of 5 times, in the high 4 times hit. * When the hammer hit, keeping the right ang * If you find a strange sound or damaged holes, ignoring the number, move to the next good point and try again Made in Korea ...detail
Last update : 03/10/2013
HUBUNGI : www.dirtajayasurvey.com HUBUNGI : www.dirtajayasurvey.com Nama: andy HP: 08787 6262 648 / 082 123 568 182 Telepon: 021-93404818 Email: andyjayasurvey@yahoo.co.id PIN BB :228f398f Nama: Bella HP:0877 8145 6821 / 085 7178 24653 Email: dirta_bella@yahoo.co.id
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