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Spesifikasi Kyoritsu 2300R FORK CURRENT TESTER


• True RMS reading is an essential feature for accurate measurement.
• “ Non Contact” voltage function indicates the presence of AC voltage by warning the user with an audible signal.
• Set the DC current range to zero in one touch with the Zero Adjust function.

KEW FORK 2300R can be used in crowded connection boxes, where cables are very short, and space is too limited to clamp cables using with a traditional clamp meter.

When load current is not affected by the distortion, both averaging value type and true RMS ( root mean square) type clamp meters show the almost same value of about 10A with constant wave-form as the above display samples. However, when load current is affected by some distortions such as inverter, etc..., averaging value type clamp meter indicates 5.5A instead of 9.7A and true RMS type clamp meter indicates 7.9A instead of 9.7A with irregular wave-form. Accordingly, true RMS type clamp meter is recommendable for the measurement of the equipment with inverter control devices.
Due to the use of thyristors, inverters and other energy-saving controllers in recent electric wiring, current waveforms often include harmonic components and are distorted compared to sinusoidal waves ( 50/ 60Hz) .
The Kyoritsu True RMS value tester is able to measure distorted waveforms using true RMS since waveforms are being internally calculated continuously. In contrast, when measurements are made with a averaging value tester, errors are generated in the measurement value because the tester cannot continuously track distorted waveforms.

( Compared to the true RMS value tester, measurement values for the averaging value generate more than 30% errors in some cases.) 

Range Measuring Range Accuracy
Current Measurement AC A 0 to 100.0A
DC A 0 to ± 100.0A | ± 2.0% rdg± 5dgt ( 50/ 60Hz) 
| ± 2.0% rdg± 5dgt
Conductor Size Max Ø 10mm
Non Contact Voltage Detect AC voltage
without contacting
with socket wire During voltage detection, 
" Hi " flashes and
a buzzer sounds intermittently
Dimensions 161.3( L) × 40.2( W) × 30.3( D) mm
Crest Factor 2.5
Weight 110g ( with batteries) 
Maximum Digit 1, 049
Safety Standard IEC 61010-1 CAT.III 300V Pollution Degree 2
Power Source R03 ( AAA) × 2
Accessories Carrying Case
R03 ( AAA) × 2
Instruction Manual


Untuk Informasi dan Pemesanan Hubungi : 


Contact Person : Subarkah

Telp/ Fax : 021-71031268/ 021-78890541

H P : 081283804273/ 085774067221

Email : subarkah18@

Gmail : darmatek1@

Y M : cs_darmatek

Pin BB : 7512CBB7

Web :

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DARMATEK berasal dari sebuah Toko yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2010 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik.

Karena seiring dengan waktu dan perkembangan yang begitu pesat maka kami mencoba untuk memasarkan secara online berbagai Produk dan Merk di bidang Safety, Teknik, Electronic, Survey, Sirene, Laboratory, dLL. Tujuannya agar market kami dapat menjangkau seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

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Kami juga menyediakan alat alat untuk keperluan Survey dan Laboratorium seperti: Total Station, Auto Level, Theodolite, Lasermeter pengukur Jarak, Teropong/ Binocullar, Nightvision, Kompas, Altimeter, Anemometer, Weather Station, Lux Meter, Thermometer Hygrometer dst dengan ditunjang merek-merek yang sudah terkenal di dunia survey seperti : TOPCON, SOKKIA, NIKON, SOUTH, HORIZON, LEICA, GARMIN, SUUNTO, BRUNTON, LUTRON, SMART SENSOR, DAVIS, LUTRON, SANFIX, PCE, SANWA, TENMARS, PCE, SEW, PROTEK, AZ INSTRUMENT, SIRINE, ATTEN, OWON, DEKKO, AMPROBE, ATAGO dan lain-lain.

Darmatek terus berupaya melakukan perbaikan dan penyempurnaan diri sebagai Wujud Partisipasi aktif untuk memajukan Industri di berbagai bidang di Indonesia dengan “ Kwalitas dan Harga terbaik” 


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Free Member
Jalan M.Kahfi I, Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan
Login Terakhir 20-03-2018
+62 2171031268
081283804273 , 085774067221

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