Fluke 376 AC/ DC Clamp Meter

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Spesifikasi Fluke 376 AC/ DC Clamp Meter


The Fluke 376 Clamp Meter offers improved performance perfect for a wide range of current measurement situations. With true-rms voltage and current measurements, the Fluke 376 can read up to 1000 V and 1000 A in both ac and dc modes.

Additionally, the Fluke 376 includes the new iFlex™ flexible current probe, which expands the measurement range to 2500 A ac while providing increased display flexibility, ability to measure around awkward sized conductors and improved wire access. The Fluke 376 is the direct replacement for the Fluke 337 Clamp Meter.

Safety Conformance
EN/ IEC 61010-1: 2001; 1000V CAT III, 600V CAT IV

Features and benefits
• iFlex flexible current probe expands the measurement range to 2500 A ac
• CAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V
• True-rms ac voltage and current for accurate measurements on non-linear signals
• Min, max, average and inrush recording to capture variations automatically
• Integrated low pass filter and state of the art signal processing allows for use in noisy electrical environments while providing stable readings
• Proprietary inrush measurement technology to filter out noise and capture motor starting current exactly as the circuit protection sees it
• Ergonomic design fits in your hand and can be used while wearing protective equipment
• Large, easy to read backlight display automatically sets the correct measurement range so you do not need to change the switch positions while taking a measurement
• Soft carrying case

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Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi : 
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Telpon : 021-71031268
Fax : 021-78890541
H P : 081283804273/ 085774067221
Email : subarkah18@ yahoo.co.id
Gmail : darmatek1@ gmail.com
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http: / / darmatek01@ blogspot.com

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DARMATEK berasal dari sebuah Toko yang berdiri sekitar tahun 2010 yang bergerak di bidang alat-alat safety, teknik dan elektronik.

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