Jual Elitech WJL-6000 Electrical Halogen Leak Detector

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Spesifikasi Jual Elitech WJL-6000 Electrical Halogen Leak Detector


Elitech WJL-6000 Electrical Halogen Refrigerant Leak Detector.

Operating temp.: 0~ 52celsius
Sensitivity: Max: 16gr/ yr; Ultimate: 6g/ yr
Detects: all halogen refrigerants/ Ethylene Oxide gas/ SF-6
General descriptions: 
Incorporated with advanced leak detect technology. WJL-6000 is our new product with the functions of easy operation, stable function and small appearance; its an ideal and economic halogen leak detector.

Main features: 
Detects all kinds of halogen refrigerant gas
Sensitivity adjusted at any time and it can be adjusted automatically to the best state of detecting
Inner precise IC with Ultra-Low power consume circuit design, more stable, longer battery time
Double-color visual display of battery voltage
Excellent sensor, high sensitivity, longer use time

The WJL-6000 may also be used to: 
Detect leaks in other systems and storage/ recovery containers. It will respond to all halogenated ( contains Chlorine of Fluorine) refrigerants. This includes, but is not limited to: 
CFCs e.g. R12, R11, R500, R503 etc...
HCFCs e.g. R22, R123, R124, R502 etc...
HFCs e.g. R134a, R404s, R125 etc...
Blends such as AZ-50. HP62. MP39 etc...
Detect Ethylene Oxide gas leaks in hospital sterilizing equipment ( it will detect the halogenated carrier gas) .
Detect SF-6 in high voltage circuit breakers.
Detect most gases that contain chlorine, fluorine and bromine ( halogen gases) .
Detect cleaning agents used in dry cleaning applications such as per chloroethylene.
Detect halogen gases in fire-extinguishing system.

Technical parameters: 
Operating temperature: 0~ 52 ( 30 to 125) 
Maximum sensitivity: 6 gr/ yr, for all halogenated refrigerants
Battery life: Approximately 50 hours normal use

Unit dimensions: 22.9cmx6.5cmx6.5cm
Warm-up time: approximately 6 seconds
Response time: Instantaneous
Work mode: continuous, no limitation
Fixed probe length: 20cm
Reset time: two to ten seconds
Power supply: 6V DC four cell 7# excellent batteries

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Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi : 

Contact : Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
WA : 081932632003
H P : 081283804273/ 085774067221
Email : subarkah18@ yahoo.co.id
Gmail : darmatek1@ gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Web : http://www.darmatek.net
Link : http://darmatek.produkanda.co.id

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Jalan M.Kahfi I, Jagakarsa Jakarta Selatan
Login Terakhir 20-03-2018
+62 2171031268
081283804273 , 085774067221

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