HT Motorola gp 328

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Spesifikasi HT Motorola gp 328

GP328 & GP338 Specifications
* Frequency: ( MHz) 29 - 42 / 35 - 50 / 136 - 174 / 330 - 400 / 403 - 470 / 450 - 527
Channel Capacity: GP328 is 16 Channels GP338 is 128 Channels
Power Supply: Provided through rechargeable battery - 7.5V
DIMENSIONS: H x W x D ( Radio footprint height excluding knobs)
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 137mm x 57.5mm x 37.5mm
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 137mm x 57.5mm x 40.0mm
With NiCD Battery: 137mm x 57.5mm x 40.0mm
With LiIon Battery: 137mm x 57.5mm x 33.0mm
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 420 gm 428 gm
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 500 gm 508 gm
With NiCD Battery: 450 gm 458 gm
With LiIon Battery: 350 gm 358 gm
AVERAGE BATTERY LIFE @ 5/ 5/ 90 CYCLE Low Power High Power
With Standard High Capacity NiMH Battery: 11 hours 8 hours
With Ultra High Capacity NiMH Battery: 14 hours 11hours
With NiCD Battery: 12 hours 9 hours
With LiIon Battery: 11 hours 8 hours
Sealing: Withstands rain testing per MIL-STD 810 C / D / E and IP54
Shock and Vibration: Protection provided via impact resistant housing exceeding MIL-STD 810-C/ D / E and TIA/ EIA 603
Dust and Humidity: Protection provided via environment resistant housing exceeding MIL-STD 810 C / D / E and TIA/ EIA 603
* Frequency ( MHz) 136 -174 / 330 - 400 / 403 -470 / 450-527 * Frequency ( MHz) 136 -174 / 330 - 400 / 403 - 470 / 450 - 527
Frequency separation Full bandsplit Frequency separation Full bandsplit
Channel spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25kHz Sensitivity ( 12dB SINAD) EIA .25¼ V
Freq Stability: ( -30oC to 60oC, + 25oCRef.) + / - 0.00025% Intermodulation( EIA) 70dB
Power 5W ( VHF) 4W ( UHF) Adjacent Channel Selectivity 60dB @ 12.5kHz, 70dB @ 25kHz
Modulation limiting ± 2.5 @ 12.5kHz, ± 4.0 @ 20kHz, ± 5.0 @ 25kHz Spurious Rejection 70dB
FM Hum & Noise -40dB Rated Audio 500 mW
Conducted/ Radiated Emission -36dBm 1GHz Audio Distortion 3%
Modulation FCC Type 12.5kHz 11K0F3E Hum and Noise -45dB @ 12.5kHz, -50dB @ 25kHz
25kHz 16K0F3E Audio Response( 300-3000Hz) + 1 to -3dB
Audio Response ( from 6 dB/ octave + 1 to -3dB Conducted Spurious Emission -57dBm 1Ghz, FCC Part 15
pre-emphasis 300-3000Hz)
Audio Distortion 3%
Low Band Specification:
* Frequency ( MHz) 29 - 42, 35 -50
Channel Spacing 12.5 / 20 / 25kHz
Freq. Stability ( -30oC to 60oC, + 25oCRef.) ± 0.0010%
Power 6W
Modulation limiting ± 2.5@ 12.5kHz, ± 5.0 @ 20kHz, ± 5.0 @ 25KHz
FM Hum & Noise -40dB
Conducted/ Radiated Emission -36dBm 1 GHz
Audio Response ( from 6 dB/ octave + 1 to -3dB
pre-emphasis 300-3000Hz)
Audio Distortion 3%
Sensitivity ( 12 dB SINAD) .30¼ V
Intermodulation 65dB
Adjacent Channel Selectivity 60dB @ 12.5, 70dB @ 25kHz
Spurious Rejection 70dB
Rated Audio 500 mW
Audio Distortion @ Rated Audio 3%
Hum and Noise -45dB @ 12.5kHz, -50dB @ 25kHz
Modulation FCC Type 25kHz 16K0F3E
Audio Response ( 300 - 3000 Hz) + 1 to -3dB
Conducted Spurious Emission -57dBm 1GHz, FCC Part 15
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Toko Asiatelekom bergerak di Radio Telekomunikasi Indonesia,Menawarkan berbagai jenis Alat komunikasi diantara nya:  Repeater Motorola CDR-500, CDR-700 LINK, Handy Talky,Radio HT , Radio Rig Motorola, Yaesu, Alinco, ICOM MARINE / Air Band, Weierwei, Suicom, Olinca, VEV, SMP, FIRSTCOM, KENWOOD, Baofeng, Firstcom, Toriphone dll.

Aksesoris Alat Komunikasi Lainya Seperti : Surge Arrester Diamond SP-3000/ SP-1000, Arrester CA-23RP, Surge Protector Polyphaser RRX-4025A / IS-B50LN-C2, Basic Interface HLN333 / COR( Control Of Radio) , SWR Diamond SX-400, SX-1000, Antenna Cellwave PD-220, Antenna Hustler Spirit ( 350MHz) , Hustler G-6 ( UHF) , Antenna Hustler G-7 ( VHF) Connector PL to BNC, Connector Amphenol RG 8, Conector andrew Helliax, Power Supply RTVC 30A, AKAI 40A, DAKAI 60A , AEC 80A, Battery Motorola Series, Cable Coaxial/ Andrew Helliax, Cable Belden, Power Supply, Battery MOTOROLA series, Belt Clip HT, Antenna, Connector Andrew Heliax, COR / Basic Interface/ Controller, Duflexer Original Motorola, Antenna YAGI GASDEN UHF, Concrete Test Hammer, Sand Cone Test, DCP( Alat Laboratorium) , Hammer Test Concrete, Digital Theodolite, Total Station, Automatic Level dll.

Kami pun menyediakan Jasa Service & Instalasi Perangkat Radio Komunikasi lainya seperti :

- Jasa Service Handy Talky All Brand
- Jasa Kalibrasi Alat Survey
- Jasa Service Radio RIG All Brand
- Jasa Instalasi Repeater on Site
- Jasa Pemasangan Tower Tri Angle
- Jasa Pembuatan Izin Stasiun Radio ( ISR)
- Jasa Service Alat Survey
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