Jual BW Honeywell GasAlert Clip Extreme (O2) Monitor GA24XT-X

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Spesifikasi Jual BW Honeywell GasAlert Clip Extreme (O2) Monitor GA24XT-X


Description : 
The GasAlert Clip Extreme Oxygen monitor is a highly portable, long-life, diffusion-only gas monitor. It constantly samples the atmosphere and alerts you to dangerous changes in O2 levels.

As a diffusion-only detector it does not feature a built-in pump ( like the more versatile Quattro, MicroClip or Extreme XT II detectors) . Because it doesn' t have a pump, BW is able to make this detector unit incredibly small and have an extended battery life ( two years! ) .

The Clip Extreme alerts you to High/ Low levels of Oxygen as well as Short/ Long Term Exposure to levels of the gas. If danger is detected there are three simultaneous alarm modes in place: 

Visual Alarm: Three bright, flashing LED warning-lights
A Sonic Alarm: 95dB warning siren
A Vibration Alert for noisy work environments
About the Extreme Series: 
Built to last in real work environments, they feature a strong, concussion-proof boot to protect it from falls, as well as water/ dust resistance
You can be assured of its fully functioning operation for the duration of its long, long lifespan
Low maintenance, the Gas Alert Clip Extreme series all feature self-calibration and self-testing on all systems
The large LCD screen displays battery life remaining and any alarm information
BW Technologies utilize one button interface across all their devices, making the unit incredibly simple to use
Please note, the Clip Extreme does not display current gas levels. If this functionality is required, please consider the ToxiRAE series of single gas monitors.

The Clip Extreme series works with the MicroDock II and IR Connectivity Kit for simple data retrieval, analysis and archiving.

Measuring Range: 0-30.0 percent by vol.
Low Alarm level: 19.5 percent
High Alarm Level: 23.5 percent
No Sensor Replacement
Self Calibrates
Weight: 2.7 oz.
Temperature Range: -4 to + 122 degree F / -20 to + 50 degree C
Battery life: 2 years
Two Years Low-19.5 percent/ High-23.5 percent

Part Number: 

Spesification : 

Product Weight : 0.17
Ship Weight : 0.5000
Brand : BW Honeywell
UPC : No
5th Sensor : No
Type : Single-Gas

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Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi : 

Contact : Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
WA : 081932632003
H P : 081283804273/ 085774067221
Email : subarkah18@ yahoo.co.id
Gmail : darmatek1@ gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Web : http://www.darmatek.net
Link : http://darmatek.produkanda.co.id

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