Jual HAWS 8300/ 8309 Combination Eye Wash Shower
Spesifikasi Jual HAWS 8300/ 8309 Combination Eye Wash Shower
The Haws Model 8300-8309 combination unit now features the medically acclaimed AXION MSR™ eyewash and eye/ face wash head assembly. The AXION MSR™ is the only product on the market that is consistent with all EMT, emergency room and doctors’ office protocols by keeping contaminants away from the nasal cavity. In the standard eyewash, they irrigated from the outside of the eye back towards your nose causing contaminates to be in a place they should not be. The AXION MSR™ also offers a new shower that minimizes the physical pressure causing the water to go to the outer rim making the water distribution equal all around. Features a stainless steel push flag for activating the eyewash and a stainless steel pull rod for activating the shower. Also has a mesh in-line strainer to collect any debris and also ball valves with stainless stem and stainless ball for durability. Pipe and fitting: 1-1/ 4 " Schedule 40 hot-dipped galvanized steel. Supply and Waste: 1-1/ 4 " IPS.
Spesification :
Shower Head : 10 " ABS Shower head.
Piping : 1-1/ 4 " Hot dip galvanize piping.
Receptor : 11 " Stainless Stell bowl.
Eyewash Head : Twin-flo anti-surge head( 8300)
Dust Cover : Protect head and automaticallyrelease With Water pressure.
Activation : Stay open valve with stainless steel ball and Stem.
Sign : Universal emergency sign.
Stream Control : Automatic Pressure Compensation flow Control.
Connection : Intel : 1-1/ 4 " IPS
Waste : 1-1/ 4 " IPS
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Untuk Info dan Pemesanan Hubungi :
Contact : Subarkah
Telpon : 021-71031268
WA : 081932632003
H P : 081283804273/ 085774067221
Email : subarkah18@ yahoo.co.id
Gmail : darmatek1@ gmail.com
Pin BB : D2A771BD
Web : http://www.darmatek.net
Link : http://darmatek.produkanda.co.id
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