Bekas MRI 1.5T - Philips Achieva, can include warranty and spareparts

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Spesifikasi Bekas MRI 1.5T - Philips Achieva, can include warranty and spareparts

Achieva 1.5T A-series is dedicated to 16 channel imaging, with a complete range of 16-channel coils. The Achieva A-series is simple, fast and provides innovative solutions to help you:

- Simplify your workflow

- Accelerate your imaging

- Build your business


SmartExam automates exam planning, scanning and processing - all with a single mouse click. Its software automatically recognizes the anatomy, plans the MR exam, employs ExamCard to conduct the study and then processes the images, resulting in 100% consistent and reproducible results.

SmartExam automates head, spine, knee and shoulder examinations, which comprise over 75% of the typical caseload.

SmartExam enables:

- Consistent, reproducible images

- Uniform image quality, regardless of operator expertise, patient age, patient position or pathology

- Better use of technologists' time

- Consistency in follow-up exams, improving patient care.

MR Extended Workspace

With MR Extended Workspace you can prepare, process and report your exam at any location - leaving your scanner free for optimized throughput. While duplicating the viewing and processing capabilities of the scanner console, it also provides advanced applications like quantitative measurements, image arithmetic, customer/ application-specific display protocols, 3D volume rendering, reporting tools and multi-modality image fusion and viewing.

MR Extended Workspace enables:

- Off-line viewing and processing, enabling efficient use of scanner

- ExamCard preparation and editing

- Easy and efficient radiology and cardiology reporting

- Advanced processing capabilities

Accelerate Your Imaging

The Achieva A-series offer you a 16-channel FreeWave acquisition system ( expandable to 32 channels) and a comprehensive range of dedicated high-channel SENSE coils. Add to this the power of SENSE imaging, and the result is a scanner that redefines the possibilities of imaging at 1.5T.

Achieva' s high acceleration provides larger anatomic coverage, higher spatial and temporal resolution and artifact reduction. This performance opens the door to increased patient throughput and the ability to perform leading-edge applications.

With the powerful combination of SENSE, the FreeWave data acquisition system and 16-channel coils, you can:

- Perform a complete high resolution diagnostic evaluation of the cervical spine in less than 15 minutes.

- Attain DSA-like clarity with MRA

- Redefine the relationship between speed and resolution in breast imaging

- Image the whole heart in a single breath-hold

- Exploit SENSE to include spectroscopy in the normal diagnostic routine

- Scan the entire abdomen and pelvis in a single breath-hold

- Image renal arteries without contrast in a single breath-hold
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Unison Co., Ltd

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Unison Healthcare Group ( UHG) telah mendedikasikan lebih dari 50 tahun mengembangkan pasar medis Taiwan. Dalam menjaga kepercayaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar dan masyarakat, Unison mendapat sertifikasi Organisasi Internasional untuk Standardisasi ISO 9001 dan desain proses sertifikasi alat kesehatan, ISO 13485.

Seiring berjalannya waktu, Unison kini melayani lebih dari 45 negara dan telah menjadi Grup Medis peringkat atas di Asia.

Unison Healthcare Group terus berupaya melakukan ekspansi ke bidang lain dalam industri kesehatan dan memberikan kontribusi dalam meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kesehatan. Kami bermaksud untuk mewakili lebih banyak perusahaan medis internasional dan bekerja sama dengan produsen peralatan medis domestik ternama.


- Peralatan Medis dan pemeliharaan, perbaikan maupun trainingnya;
Radiologi: Refurbished CT Scanner, MRI, PET/ CT, Gamma Camera, LINAC, Cath-Lab, C-Arm, X-Ray ( Philips atau Siemens)
Urologi: ESWL.

Sejarah kami

1995 Unison Company, Ltd didirikan di Taipei oleh YF shih
1955 Mendirikan Western Medicine Business Unit
1960 Mendapat hak keagenan dari Philips Duphar, Dolder, Dagra, dll
1963 Mendirikan Medical Equipment Business Unit
1965 Memperoleh keagenan untuk Philips Medical System
1970 Memperoleh keagenan untuk Siemens Medical System
1971 Mendirikan customer service center di Taipei
1972 Memperkenalkan iodinator ( digunakan di pesawat ulang-alik NASA) ke pasar Taiwan; almarhum Presiden Yan memberikan izin bertemu dengan astronot AS Walter M. Schirra.
1974 Memperoleh keagenan dari Peterson Farms untuk mengimpor ayam dan babi untuk peternak Taiwan
1990 Mengadopsi full computer management system
1991 Mendirikan customer service center di Kaohsiung, Taiwan
1992 Mendirikan customer service center di Taichung, Taiwan
1994 Memperoleh keagenan dari Wellhoefer Dosimetrie GmbH; Chi-Dau Shih ditunjuk menjadi CEO Unison
1995 Mendirikan customer service center di Chiayi; ( memulai pengembangan dan investasi di pasar BOT Peralatan Medis ( memperoleh keagenan eksklusif untuk Auto Injector Liebel-Flarsheim Company)
1997 Mendirikan customer service center di Tainan
1998 Mendapat sertifikasi ISO 9001, 1994 standar internasional
2002 Mendapat sertifikasi ISO 9001, 2000 standar internasional
2003 Menyelesaikan proyek BOT Positron Emission Tomography ( PET) Center dengan Tri-Service General Hospital dan menerima National Biotechnology Medical Care Quality Award; Memulai pengembangan dan pembangunan proyek Pyongyang ( Korea Utara) ; Memulai distribusi alat bantu dengar Siemens Sountex
2004 Mengambil alih layanan pemeliharaan CTI Cyclotron Taiwan
2005 Mengambil alih layanan pemeliharaan Sumitomo Cyclotron Taiwan; ( Memperluas skala bisnis keagenan dan distribusi dengan Philips Medical Systems)
2006 Memperluas pasar Philips USG dan pasar Philips CMS ( bersama-sama dengan Xin Ba Enterprise Corporation, Ltd)
2009 Memperoleh hak distribusi dari Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci Robotic System dan IMRIS ( OR-MR)
2010 Memperoleh hak distribusi dari Intrasense dan Spectrum dynamics ( NM cardiac system) dan J Morita Accuitom ( Cone Beam CT)
2011 Memperoleh sertifikat ISO 13485 standar internasional
2012 Memperoleh hak distribusi dari PTA oleh BioteQ dan produk ortopedi oleh Wiltrom dan Medtronic O-arm
2013 Memperoleh hak distribusi dari MAKO Surgical Corp. dan EOS imaging
2014 Memperoleh hak keagenan pasar Taiwan dari Yaskawa Electric Corporation untuk sistem ReWalk Robotic Exoskeleton, alat bantu berjalan bionik komersil yang menggunakan peralatan penunjang kaki untuk memungkinkan penderita lumpuh berdiri tegak, berjalan dan mendaki tangga.
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Unison Co., Ltd

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14F, Tunnan Tower, No. 97, Section 2, Tun Hwa S Road, Taipei, Taiwan
Sumatera Selatan
Login Terakhir 28-03-2017
+886 2 2706 2121
+886 911 458 205

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