Seameterics Insertion Turbine Flow Meter-TX100 Series

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Spesifikasi Seameterics Insertion Turbine Flow Meter-TX100 Series

 The TX100/200-Series are adjustable depth insertion turbines that come in brass or 316 stainless models to ft 3” to 40” pipe. Adapters mate with standard 1-1/2” (110/210) or 2” (150/250) FNPT threaded fttings such as saddles and weldolets which may be purchased either locally or from Seametrics. 

Ruby bearings and a non-drag pickoff give these adjustable insertion turbine fow sensors a wide fow range and long life. 
A sensor detects the passage of miniature magnets in the rotor blades. The resulting square-wave signal can be sent for hundreds of feet without a transmitter, over unshielded cable. 
This signal can be connected directly to many PLC’s and other controls without any additional electronics.If desired, a modular system of electronics can be installed directly on the fow sensor or mounted remotely. The FT415 (battery powered) or FT420 (loop powered) provides digital rate and total display, as well as programmable pulse; the FT420 also provides a 4-20 mA analog output. The AO55 is a blind analog (4-20 mA) transmitter. Programmable pulse for pump pacing is available with the PD10.
The “hot-tap” models (TX150/250) can be installed or serviced without shutting down the line by means of a 2” full-port 
isolation valve that comes with a nipple for installation on the pipe ftting. In most circumstances, no special tool is required.

• Wide fow range
• One moving part
• Hot tap available
• Modular electronics compatible
• Easily depth adjustable for 3-40” pipe

• Clean water
• Large pipes
• Aquariums, water parks
• Water & wastewater monitoring

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Wiratama Mitra Abadi

Wiratama Mitra Abadi berdiri tahun 2004 sesuai dengan akte pendirian perusahaan No. 122, tanggal 16 September 2004 dengan mendapat pengesahan Mentri Kehakiman no. C-08920 HT.01.01.TH.2004.
Pada awal tahun 2008 Wiratama menambah bidang kerja dengan membantu customer untuk supply parts teknik. Dengan mengembangkan bidang technical suplier untuk parts, mesin atau equpment manufacture yang terbatas pada parts atau mesin atau peralatan seperti : Flow measurement, level ensor, oil skimmer, electrical connector,air motor, gas analyzer, Parts hydraulic, PLC, Servo serta peralatan electric dan otomasi lainnya.
Hingga saat ini Wiratama Mitra Abadi banyak diminta oleh priciple untuk membantu customer mereka yang ada di Indonesia diantaranya adalah : NGK gas analyzer, Seametrics Measurement, SiteLab, Alia Flow meter, DFM Technoton, Dalian Hipeak, Sibas Heavy Duty Connector,  Air Motor. Disamping itu Wiratama banyak membantu suply barang teknik dengan menjadi reseller dengan import langsung baik ke principle maupun distributor luar negeri atau perusahaan trading. Namun demikian Wiratama Mitra abadi hanya akan mensuply parts, equipment ataupun mesin yang secara teknikal dikuasai oleh Wiratama. 
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