Seameterics Pulse Divider Controller-PD10 Series

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Spesifikasi Seameterics Pulse Divider Controller-PD10 Series

 Designed for use as a meter accessory, the PD10 divider is used primarily for pacing electronic metering pumps. Any 

number from one to 9999 can be set on rotary switches. 
Each time the divider has received the set number of pulses from the meter, it puts out one pulse to stroke the pump. 
The PD10 is also useful in boiler and cooling tower feed and bleed operations, and for lowering frequency output of 
high frequency meters. Compatible with all Seametrics fow meters, the PD10 creates a programmable pulse meter with 
an easily adjustable pulse rate.
The PD10 comes in two different housings: an enclosure that can be mounted near the pump, and a watertight housing 
for mounting on the meter.
Power for the PD10 can be supplied by the metering pump if the pump has a sensor power supply. This is the case with 
LMI externally-paced metering pumps. Some pumps require an external power supply, available from Seametrics. LMI 
and Seametrics connectors are available.

• Easily adjustable rotary switches
• Mates with LMI and other common
metering pumps
• Flexible relay contact output

• Pace electronic metering pumps
• Boiler/cooling tower feed and bleed
• Lower frequency output of high
frequency meters

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Wiratama Mitra Abadi

Wiratama Mitra Abadi berdiri tahun 2004 sesuai dengan akte pendirian perusahaan No. 122, tanggal 16 September 2004 dengan mendapat pengesahan Mentri Kehakiman no. C-08920 HT.01.01.TH.2004.
Pada awal tahun 2008 Wiratama menambah bidang kerja dengan membantu customer untuk supply parts teknik. Dengan mengembangkan bidang technical suplier untuk parts, mesin atau equpment manufacture yang terbatas pada parts atau mesin atau peralatan seperti : Flow measurement, level ensor, oil skimmer, electrical connector,air motor, gas analyzer, Parts hydraulic, PLC, Servo serta peralatan electric dan otomasi lainnya.
Hingga saat ini Wiratama Mitra Abadi banyak diminta oleh priciple untuk membantu customer mereka yang ada di Indonesia diantaranya adalah : NGK gas analyzer, Seametrics Measurement, SiteLab, Alia Flow meter, DFM Technoton, Dalian Hipeak, Sibas Heavy Duty Connector,  Air Motor. Disamping itu Wiratama banyak membantu suply barang teknik dengan menjadi reseller dengan import langsung baik ke principle maupun distributor luar negeri atau perusahaan trading. Namun demikian Wiratama Mitra abadi hanya akan mensuply parts, equipment ataupun mesin yang secara teknikal dikuasai oleh Wiratama. 
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