Site Lab Wall Mount Ultrasonic Flow Meter-SL1188 Series

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Spesifikasi Site Lab Wall Mount Ultrasonic Flow Meter-SL1188 Series

 The SL1188 Ultrasonic clamp on flow meters is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time flowmeter designed using SLSI technology and low voltage broadband  pulse  transmission.  While  principally  designed  for  clean  liquid  applications,  the  instrument  is  tolerant of liquids with small amounts of air bubbles or suspended solids found in most industrial environments.

The SiteLab SL1188 Flow meters is a state-of-the-art universal transit-time Flow Meter for Heavy Industrial applications. Sophisticated electronics incorporating the latest developments in digital signal processing coupled with powerful ultrasonic transducers deliver highly accurate flow measurement for liquids in full pipes. While principally designed for clean liquid applications, the instrument is tolerant of liquids with a small quantity of air bubbles or suspended solids common in most industrial applications. 

The SL1188 ultrasonic clamp on flow meters offers low power consumption, high reliability, and outstanding applicability at an economical price. An easy to read display and clear, user-friendly menu selections make using the instrument simple and convenient. The instrument can be configured via keypad without any additional programming devices, is packaged in a die cast IP65 housing, and is available in your choice of non-invasive clamp-on or insertion transducer configurations.

The SL1188 ultrasonic flow meters features a self-contained 4-20 mA current loop signal output for instantaneous flow, as well as two independent temperature inputs for thermal energy monitoring. The instrument also features a 7 digit alpha- numeric display, parallel operation of positive, negative and net flow totalizers (with user-selectable scale factors) and configurable pulse and frequency outputs (transmitted via relay and open collector) for totalized flow.

Features :

Accuracy +/-0.5% of Reading 

Wide operating temperature range -40C to 150 C

One meter for a wide range of pipe sizes 25mm-5000mm

Clamp-on sensors are simple to install, leading to lower installation and labor costs

Clamp-on sensors mean no pipe cutting or process interruption and no plant shut-down

Wetted Sensors available for acoustically dead pipes.

Hygienic measurement, no risk of contamination, suitable for ultra clean liquids

Wide bi-directional Flow range of 0 to 12Metres/Second

Daily, monthly and yearly totalized flow 

Internally configured batch controller makes batch control convenient

Measurement is independent of fluid conductivity meaning a wider applicability than magnetic meters

1G SD card high memory data logging, maximum memorize 512 days data.

Simple Menu driven setup with a wide range of common pipe materials, liners and fluids selectable.

Temperature inputs for energy measurement


Transmitter (standard):

Flow range: 0 to ±40ft/s (0 to ±12m/s)

Accuracy: ±0.5 of reading

Repeatability: 0.15%

Power supply: internal lithium battery with 8 hours of use

Output :

0/4~20mA, maximum 750Ω

OCT pulse, 0~10 KHz

Relay Output , 125VAc@1A 0r 30VDc @2A

Communications: RS232 / RS485

Power consumption: 2 W

Weigh t: 4.7lb s (2.15kg)

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Wiratama Mitra Abadi

Wiratama Mitra Abadi berdiri tahun 2004 sesuai dengan akte pendirian perusahaan No. 122, tanggal 16 September 2004 dengan mendapat pengesahan Mentri Kehakiman no. C-08920 HT.01.01.TH.2004.
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Hingga saat ini Wiratama Mitra Abadi banyak diminta oleh priciple untuk membantu customer mereka yang ada di Indonesia diantaranya adalah : NGK gas analyzer, Seametrics Measurement, SiteLab, Alia Flow meter, DFM Technoton, Dalian Hipeak, Sibas Heavy Duty Connector,  Air Motor. Disamping itu Wiratama banyak membantu suply barang teknik dengan menjadi reseller dengan import langsung baik ke principle maupun distributor luar negeri atau perusahaan trading. Namun demikian Wiratama Mitra abadi hanya akan mensuply parts, equipment ataupun mesin yang secara teknikal dikuasai oleh Wiratama. 
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