Site Lab Hand Held Ultrasonic Flow Meter-SL1188P Series

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Spesifikasi Site Lab Hand Held Ultrasonic Flow Meter-SL1188P Series

 Model SL1188P is a Portable Ultrasonic flow Meter. It  collects Flow Data via a TPC (Tablet PC), and uses “UFM” software to download the Flow Data.  The SL1188P Portable Ultrasonic Flow Meter consists of flow sensors  (ultrasonic), a flow transmitter and a  Tablet Personal Computer  (TPC).  The Model SL1188P Portable Ultrasonic Flow-meter is  the onlyflowmeter  for  which operation is  a  specialty between  the  electronics and operational  interface. The SL1188P package ultrasonic flow metershas convenient magnetized transducer racks, good operational interface, and high memory card.  It is designed to be user friendly, and even in the worst industrial environments, it is well protected by its high-strength  impact  resistant case with rubber  ring seals and NEMA4 rating. Even if it is dropped into water it should continue to work normally. It is a portable flowmeter made with expertise.


Data storage : 1GB (512 days) 

Cable signal attentuation :-0.9dB/100m 

Cable tensile strength : 300 Newtons 

Rise/fall time : 40 picoseconds 

Transducer installation time : 55s 

Portable transducer rack magnetic force : 200 Newtons 

Bluetooth communications Distance : up to 160ft (50m)


Transmitter (standard): 

Flow range: 0 to ±40ft/s (0 to ±12m/s) 

Accuracy: ±0.5% of reading 

Repeatability: 0.15% 

Power supply: internal lithium battery with 8 hours of use 

Output: 0/4~20mA, maximum 750Ω 

Power consumption: 1W 

Weight: 3.3lbs (1.5kg) 

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