Gerand Fire Pump Test Flow Meter

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Spesifikasi Gerand Fire Pump Test Flow Meter

 Gerand Engineering Company was founded in 1965 by a qualified team of engineers with years of experience dedicated to providing outstanding quality products for hydronic balancing in the HVAC industry.
Gerand’s product line consists of Venturis, Indicators (orifice type) and Balvalve-Venturis (one-piece unit, fixed Venturi and valve) manufactured by Gerand and meters used to balance the hydronic and air systems.
Venturis and Indicators are furnished with a set of meter fittings (nipples, valves and quick disconnects). Balvalve-Venturis have nipples and quick disconnects.
A chained metal tag is furnished with all flow devices. The tag shows the unit size, unit location, the GPM and corresponding meter reading in inches of water 
Model products of Gerand Fire Pump Test Flow Meter :

A calibrated venturi and attached GPM meter installed on the discharge of a fire pump to accurately determine pump performance.
4-1/2" dial meter is shipped for mounting on venturi bracket. If meter is to be remote mounted, consult factory on special hose lengths. 

A calibrated venturi and attached GPM meter installed on the discharge of a fire pump to accurately determine pump performance.
6" dial meter is shipped for mounting on venturi bracket. If meter is to be remote mounted, consult factory on special hose lengths. 
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Wiratama Mitra Abadi

Wiratama Mitra Abadi berdiri tahun 2004 sesuai dengan akte pendirian perusahaan No. 122, tanggal 16 September 2004 dengan mendapat pengesahan Mentri Kehakiman no. C-08920 HT.01.01.TH.2004.
Pada awal tahun 2008 Wiratama menambah bidang kerja dengan membantu customer untuk supply parts teknik. Dengan mengembangkan bidang technical suplier untuk parts, mesin atau equpment manufacture yang terbatas pada parts atau mesin atau peralatan seperti : Flow measurement, level ensor, oil skimmer, electrical connector,air motor, gas analyzer, Parts hydraulic, PLC, Servo serta peralatan electric dan otomasi lainnya.
Hingga saat ini Wiratama Mitra Abadi banyak diminta oleh priciple untuk membantu customer mereka yang ada di Indonesia diantaranya adalah : NGK gas analyzer, Seametrics Measurement, SiteLab, Alia Flow meter, DFM Technoton, Dalian Hipeak, Sibas Heavy Duty Connector,  Air Motor. Disamping itu Wiratama banyak membantu suply barang teknik dengan menjadi reseller dengan import langsung baik ke principle maupun distributor luar negeri atau perusahaan trading. Namun demikian Wiratama Mitra abadi hanya akan mensuply parts, equipment ataupun mesin yang secara teknikal dikuasai oleh Wiratama. 
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Wiratama Mitra Abadi

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Jalan Dewi Kunti II no.2 Bumi Satria Kencana
Login Terakhir 02-04-2015

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