Garrett PD 6500i Walk Through Metal Detector
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Spesifikasi Garrett PD 6500i Walk Through Metal Detector
Specifications for Garrett PD 6500i Walk-Through Metal Detectors:
Operating Temperatures: -4°F (-20°C) to + 158°F (70°C); Humidity - To 95% noncondensing.
Power: Fully automatic 100 to 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hertz, 55 watts; no rewiring, switching or adjustments required. Power supply meets UL, CSA, TUV and VDE standards.
Weatherproofing / Foreign Object Protection Standards: Meets IP 55, IEC Standard. "Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures," IEC 529.
Target Pinpointing Lights: Thirty-three (33) distinct zones are displayed with two (2) independent columns of LEDs located on exit side of PD 6500i.
Traffic Counter: Counter tracks the number of patrons that have passed through the detector, the number of alarms and calculates alarm percentage. Random Alarm Feature: Provides ability to randomly alarm a selected percentage of non-alarming persons; adjustable from 0 to 50 percent. Alarms: Audible tone and volume adjustable. Bright LED visual alarm. Pacing Lights: International symbols located at entrance.
Tamper-Proof: All settings are secured with a key lock and two levels of access codes. Further security is accomplished with a cabinet lock which prevents unauthorized access to physical cables, connectors and electronics.
Control Outputs: Solid state switches (low voltage AC or DC) for operating external alarms and control devices. Construction: Attractive scratch and mar-resistant laminate. Detection Heads and Support - Heavy duty aluminum.
HP. 081213112111
Operating Temperatures: -4°F (-20°C) to + 158°F (70°C); Humidity - To 95% noncondensing.
Power: Fully automatic 100 to 240 VAC, 50 or 60 Hertz, 55 watts; no rewiring, switching or adjustments required. Power supply meets UL, CSA, TUV and VDE standards.
Weatherproofing / Foreign Object Protection Standards: Meets IP 55, IEC Standard. "Degrees of Protection provided by Enclosures," IEC 529.
Target Pinpointing Lights: Thirty-three (33) distinct zones are displayed with two (2) independent columns of LEDs located on exit side of PD 6500i.
Traffic Counter: Counter tracks the number of patrons that have passed through the detector, the number of alarms and calculates alarm percentage. Random Alarm Feature: Provides ability to randomly alarm a selected percentage of non-alarming persons; adjustable from 0 to 50 percent. Alarms: Audible tone and volume adjustable. Bright LED visual alarm. Pacing Lights: International symbols located at entrance.
Tamper-Proof: All settings are secured with a key lock and two levels of access codes. Further security is accomplished with a cabinet lock which prevents unauthorized access to physical cables, connectors and electronics.
Control Outputs: Solid state switches (low voltage AC or DC) for operating external alarms and control devices. Construction: Attractive scratch and mar-resistant laminate. Detection Heads and Support - Heavy duty aluminum.
HP. 081213112111
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HP. 08118780111
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