Inverter dan Soft stater Motor SHSY Shanghai Shanyu SJR 5000 Exproof Jakarta
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Spesifikasi Inverter dan Soft stater Motor SHSY Shanghai Shanyu SJR 5000 Exproof Jakarta
Inverter dan Soft stater Motor SHSY Shanghai Shanyu SJR 5000 Exproof Jakarta
Inverter dan Soft stater Motor SHSY Shanghai Shanyu SJR 5000 Exproof Jakarta
Inverter dan Soft stater Motor SHSY Shanghai Shanyu SJR 5000 Exproof Jakarta
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Mitra Energi Abadi
PT MITRA ENERGI ABADI is a supplier and distributor for the brand QINSUN, WAROM, HRLM, SOCOMEC etc. Established in Tangerang, Indonesia. Today we have formed a strong brand name in the domestic and international markets. The company is accelerating the pace in the formation of large-scale marketing.
Products and services of PT MITRA ENERGI ABADI is engaged in LED Lighting Systems are widely used in various industries such as oil & gas, petrochemical, mining, offshore platforms and all hazardous areas.
In general, products and services of PT MITRA ENERGI ABADI in accordance with the certification IEC and EN standards, passed the ATEX and IECEx approval by. And this is a commitment we in providing security and reliability to our clients globally.
Products and services of PT MITRA ENERGI ABADI is engaged in LED Lighting Systems are widely used in various industries such as oil & gas, petrochemical, mining, offshore platforms and all hazardous areas.
In general, products and services of PT MITRA ENERGI ABADI in accordance with the certification IEC and EN standards, passed the ATEX and IECEx approval by. And this is a commitment we in providing security and reliability to our clients globally.
Mitra Energi Abadi
Free Member
JL Prabu Kian Santang, Komp. Ruko Grand Duta Amber I / A-5 Tangerang Banten Indonesia.
Login Terakhir 02-08-2015
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