Human Vibration Meter VM30-H

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Spesifikasi Human Vibration Meter VM30-H

Human Vibration Meter
Model  : VM30-H
Fungsi  :  Untuk mengukur paparan getaran mesin terhadap tubuh manusia
Specification :
Range Measurement Human vibration     : 0.005 m/ s² to 6000 m/ s
Vibration acceleration                            : 0.005 m/ s² to 6000 m/ s
Vibration velocity                                  : 0.05 mm/ s to 100 m/ s
Vibration displacement                           : 0.5 ¼ m to 1000 mm
Accuracy  : ± 3 % and ± 2 digits
Frequency weightings Wh ( Hand-Arm)  : Wb, Wc, Wd, We, Wg, Wj, Wk and Wm ( whole-body vibration)
Other frequency ranges Acceleration : 0, 4 - 100 Hz, 2 - 300 Hz, 0, 4 - 1250 Hz, 10 - 1250 Hz, 0, 4 - 10 000 Hz, 1000 - 10 000 Hz
Velocity : 2- 300 Hz, 10 - 1250 Hz
Displacement : 6 - 200 Hz
Display modes  : Running RMS ( 1 s) , maximum RMS ( MTVV) , interval RMS, estimated vibration dose 
      value ( eVDV) , vibration total value ( ahv) , peak, maximum peak and crest factor
Daily exposure A( 8)  : ( 8) calculation for several activities and test persons by supplied Excel macro
Input channels  : 1 to 3 IEPE compatible inputs
Constant current source : 2 mA / 20 V 
Socket  : Binder 711 ( fem.)
Transducers  : KS943B-10 for hand-arm vibration, KB103SV-100 for whole-body vibration or other     
      accelerometer models with a nominal sensitivity of 10 or 100 mV/ g - Calibration : 
      By vibration calibrator, signal generator or entry of transducer sensitivity
Gain ranges  : 1 / 10 / 100 / 1000 manually selectable or autoranging
Overload indicator  : Independently for each channel
Setups  : 10 individually selectable parameter sets may be saved and recalled by key
Memory  :  > 1000 measurements with date, time and comment
Record modes  : Manually by key or in time intervals from 1 second to 10 hours
PC interface  : RS-232, 115 KBd/ s, 3 pin socket Binder 711 ( female) or USB / RS-232 adapter
Display  : Graphic LCD with 120 x 32 pixels and backlighting
Signal output  : 3 buffered AC sensor signals ± 2 V at 4 pin socket model Binder 711 ( male)
Battery  : 3 Alkaline Mignon ( " AA " ) cells or NiMH accumulators, 
      Operating time 20 - 30 h, battery indicator
External power supply  : 8 - 12 VDC, < 150 mA via 5 pin socket Binder 711 ( female)
Dimension  : 165 x 92 x 31 mm³ ; 350 g ( with out connector)
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Graha Raya, Cluster Gardenia Loka F7 15 Serpong, Tangerang Selatan - BANTEN
Banten - Tangerang Selatan
Login Terakhir 24-10-2015
+6221 2944 5820

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