WTW Multi 3420 Multiparameter Meter Dual Chanel

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Spesifikasi WTW Multi 3420 Multiparameter Meter Dual Chanel

 WTW Multi 3420 Multiparameter Meter
Dual-channel multiparameter meters—select exactly the features you need!
Graphical display of measured value and calibrated range for continuous measurement control
Sensor quality is displayed graphically for easy electrode diagnostics
Waterproof USB connection for ultra-flexible data output
WTW MultiLine meters are rugged, dual-channel instruments for pH, conductivity, and dissolved oxygen measurement. Multi 3420 display two channels using any combination of sensors. Order stand-alone meters or convenient kits for economical meter/sensor bundles.
MultiLine meters feature brilliant high resolution color displays. Measured readings, channel, and connector position information can be read at a glance. Unique display configuration also provides diagnostic information on sensor quality—easily tell when it is time for calibration or replacement! Plain display of calibrated measurement range ensures accurate readings.
Intelligent digital sensors (IDS) have proven advantages over other sensor types. Digital sensors are individually IDed and automatically log on to meters once connected. Sensors compare each following calibration with the initial calibration stored in the sensor providing valuable information on sensor health. Digital processing and data transfer of sensor measurement gives extremely precise measurements. Attach sensors via waterproof quick-lock sensor connections.
MultiLine meters also over state-of-the-art data management. Meters store up to 10,000 GLP-compliant measurements. Export data via waterproof USB or mini-USB interface. Waterproof connections are ideal for portable field measurements.
What's included: four AA batteries, CD-ROM, cable and power supply
Meter kits add: indicated pH, conductivity, or DO sensors, carrying case, calibration kit, stand and sample beaker.
Product Type Multiparameter Meter
Meter style Portable
Range (pH) -2.000 to 20.000
Range (mV) ±1250, ±2000
Range (Conductivity) 0 to 2000 mS
Range (TDS) 0 to 1999 mg/L
Range (Salinity) 0 to 70 ppt
Range (Resistivity) 0.00 to 20 M
Range (Dissolved oxygen) 0 to 20 mg/L; 0 to 200%
Range (Temperature °C) 5 to 105
Range (Temperature °F) 23 to 221
Resolution (pH) 0.1/0.01/0.001
Resolution (Temperature) 0.1
Resolution (mV) 0.1/1
Resolution (Conductivity) 1.0 µS, 0.1, 1.0 mS
Resolution (TDS) 1 ppm; 0.01, 0.1 ppt
Resolution (Resistivity) 0.01 M ohm
Resolution (Dissolved Oxygen) 0.01 mg/L; 0.1% saturation
Resolution (Salinity) 0.1 ppt, 0.01%
Accuracy (pH) ±0.004 pH
Accuracy (Temperature) ±0.2°C
Accuracy (mV) ±0.2 mV or 0.05%, whichever is greater
Accuracy (Resistivity) ±0.5% ±1 digit
Accuracy (Conductivity) ±0.5% full-scale
Accuracy (TDS) ± 0.5% full-scale
Accuracy (Salinity) ±0.5% of reading
Accuracy (Dissolved Oxygen) ±0.5% of reading
Temperature compensation Automatic or manual
Display LCD
Interface USB
Calibration Up to 5 points
Waterproof Yes
Qty/ea 1
Buffer recognition USA, NIST, DIN
Power Four AA batteries (included)
Datalogging (points) 10,000
CE Compliance Yes
Brand WTW
Dimensions (" W) 7
Dimensions (" H) 3-1/8
Dimensions (" D) 2-1/4
Output USB
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