> OTDR Yokogawa AQ1200
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Spesifikasi > OTDR Yokogawa AQ1200
The AQ1200 Multi Field Tester OTDR is a compact and lightweight handheld OTDR optimized for the installation and maintenance of optical fiber cables. Designed with ease of use in mind to simplify field testing, improve work efficiency and ensure qualify results. Seven models are offered, each with unique wavelength(s) based on their specific application.
AQ1200A | 1310/1550 nm | Standard model with the same wavelengths used for communication services. Applicable for installation and maintenance |
AQ1200B | 1625 nm | Models with a wavelength dedicated for maintenance of live fibers. A built-in cut filter isolates the maintenance wavelength from the communication wavelength in order to perform accurate measurements in live networks. |
AQ1200C | 1650 nm | |
AQ1200E | 1310/1550, 1625 nm | These tri-wavelength models has two ports. One port offers the communication wavelengths while the other port is dedicated for the maintenance wavelength. Thus this model is ideal for use in both installation and maintenance applications. |
AQ1205A | 1310/1550 nm | This High dynamic range model can accurately measure the trace even after the splitter in a PON system.Thus this standard wavelength model is highly suited for high port count PON networks with up to 64 ports splitters. |
AQ1205E | 1310/1550, 1625 nm | These tri-wavelength models offers high dynamic range and has two ports. One port offers the communication wavelengths while the other port is dedicated for the maintenance wavelength. Thus this model is ideal for use in both installation and maintenance applications. The high dynamic range feature can accurately measure the trace even after the splitter in a PON system. Thus this is highly suited for high port count PON networks with up to 64 ports splitters. |
AQ1205F | 1310/1550, 1650 nm |
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