> Fusion Splicer Sumitomo Z1C

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Spesifikasi > Fusion Splicer Sumitomo Z1C

Splicer Sumitomo Z-1C

The Sumitomo’ s Z1C is the future of splicing machine market due to its following features ultra fast splicing ( 7 sec) , ultra fast heating ( 28 sec) , low on its maintainces, touch screen, user friendly, universal clamps, automatic arc calibration, low weight, high data storage, shock resistance, water resistance, dust resistance, 64 images/ 10000 data storage capacity, provide 200* splice & heat cycle, remote upgradation, 300 splicing programs and 100 heating programs etc.

The fiber profile supported by Z1C are SMF ( ITU-T G.652) , MMF ( ITU-T G.651) . DSF ( ITU-T G.653) , NZDSF ( ITU-T G.655) . Z1C has a cladding diameter of 80 µ m – 150 µ m with a coating diameter of 100 µ m – 1, 000 µ m. The cleave length of 81C is 5 – 16 mm. It can work at an altitude of 6, 000m at temperature of -10 ~ + 50 ° C and 95 % of humidity.

• Splicing Machine with Touch screen operation
• Ultra fast splicing( 7sec.) , Ultra fast heating( 28sec.)
• G.657 fiber auto splicing function
• IP52 rating and 76cm drop on 5 faces
• Automatic arc calibration
• Universal clamp for 250µ m, 900µ m tight and loose buffer fiber
• User selectable heater clamp operation
• Support bi-directional splicing operation
• Equipped with onboard training video
• Upgrades software via internet
• 2.1kg weight with battery

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Email : iyep212@yahoo.com
Website : http://istanakomunikasi.com
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