^^ Fusion Splicer Fujikura 70S

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Spesifikasi ^^ Fusion Splicer Fujikura 70S


  • Automatic and fully programmable wind protector
  • 14-second tube heater
  • High capacity Lithium-Ion battery pack (200 splices/shrinks)
  • On-board training and support videos
  • Show More


  • Fiber optic network installation
  • FUSEConnect® connector installations
  • Optoelectronic device manufacturing
The Fujikura 70S is a fully ruggedized, core alignment fusion splicer, providing consistent, low loss, splice performance. The new design streamlines the steps required to complete splices, resulting in greater productivity. “Configurable automation” features allow you to customize the operation of the machine to best suit your particular splicing technique and process. A new programmable “automatic wind protector” closes and begins the splicing process after clamping the fibers in position or pressing the “set” button. Once the splice is completed, not only is the wind protector opened, but one of the sheath clamps, you decide which, is automatically raised making removal of the fibers fast and easy! Similarly, the "clamshell" design of the tube heater clamps the splice splice protection sleeve and applies heat from both sides which results in a reduced shrink time of just 14 seconds.
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Office :
Jalan Ciptomangunkusumo perumahan mahkota simprug Blok B8 No. 21 Tangerang Selatan
Hp. 085726399213 - 081285867779
Tlp . 021-44741499 / 021-29040157
Iyep saepul

Email : iyep212@yahoo.com
Website : http://istanakomunikasi.com

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