Total station TPCN-GTS255N call 085321566989

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Spesifikasi Total station TPCN-GTS255N call 085321566989

Description Total Station Topcon GTS 255N, 5 ” Accuracy :
Total Station Topcon GTS-255 series combines Topcon tradition of rugged field-ready quality and accuracy and places it in an economical, compact design perfect for everyday measuring and positioning applications.

Meeting or exceeding the precision and durability of most competitive high end models, Topcon GTS-255 provides construction professionals and surveyors performing construction layout with a dedicated solution. The on-board software makes it easy to rapidly shoot points for quick adjustments or resets. For more advanced layout tasks use your GTS-250 with any of Topcon’ s field controllers running MAGNET™ software.

Economical, value priced measuring solution
Rugged, durable, water resistant design ( IP54)
Two accuracies from which to choose: 2 ” and 5 ”
Dual-axis compensation
Onboard programs and 24, 000 point data storage
Ideal as a construction stakeout total station

Spesifikasi – Topcon GTS 255
Length 150 Millimeters
Objective Lens Diameter 45mm ( EDM: 50mm)
Magnification 30x
Image Erect
Field of View 1° 30
Resolve Power 3 ”
Min. Focus Distance 1.3 meters
Measurement Range
1 Prism 6560 ft, 2000 meters
3 Prism 8856 ft, 2700 meters
Measuring Accuracy
Prism Mode ± ( 2mm + 2ppm x D) m.s.e. fine, N/ A
Measurement Time 1mm: 1.2sec. ( Initial 4sec.) fine, 0.2sec. ( Initial 3sec.) coarse, N/ A
Angle Measurement
Method Absolute Reading
Detection 2 horizontal, 1 vertical
Minimum reading 5” / 1” , 1/ 5 mgon
Tilt Correction
Type Automatic Vertical and Horizontal compensator
Method Liquid surface reflective profile sensor reading type
Compensating Range ± 3′
Correction Unit 1 arc sec, N/ A
Computer Unit
Display 2 screen, dot matrix graphic LCD display
Approximate battery life 9 hours including distance measurement , 40 Angle measurement only

Paket Penjualan:

Include Total Station Topcon GTS 255n :
2 x Aluminium Tripod
1 x Prisma Polygon
1 x Range Pole
1 x Single Prism
1 x Cable Data
1 x Software Data

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