Juno 5B

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Spesifikasi Juno 5B

Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB

GPS Trimble Juno 5B

Work smart with smartphone-inspired mobile GIS

Your team will perform better when they’ve got the tools they need to get the job done. Trimble® Juno® 5 series handhelds combine must have functionality with the familiarity of a smartphone form-factor.

Compatible with GIS-oriented Trimble workflows, the Juno 5 is the smart solution your team can trust for standardizing inspections and asset management.

Choose either the Juno 5B or 5D model to suit your needs:

  Juno 5B (WEHH) Juno 5D (WEHH) Juno 5D (Android)
Cellular voice & data No Yes Yes
Available Trimble software Yes Yes Not at this time

Your flexible, real world asset management and GIS update tool

The Trimble Juno 5 series is the smart integrated solution for your field workers, to keep them connected and in touch.

As part of the Trimble family of GPS solutions, Juno 5 series handhelds are compatible with Trimble Mapping & GIS software, giving you a choice of GIS data collection and asset management software solutions at a range of price points.

You can easily deploy the Juno 5 series alongside your current Trimble equipment and maintain the same workflows and policies.

The Trimble Juno 5 series is the ideal platform for:

  • Local government: Road and road asset management, public works installations, city-wide GIS data collection projects, scheduled asset inspections for compliance and metering, parks and urban forest maintenance and management.
  • Environmental management: Forest and park service management, fisheries management, general environmental management.
  • Utilities: Asset management for Water, wastewater, gas, and electric.
Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB
Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB
Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB
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Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB
Toko buka setiap hari kerja Senin sd Jumat jam 09:00 - 17:00 WIB

= GPS Trimble Juno 5B =

= GPS Trimble Juno 5B =
Kategori GPS, GPS Mapping
Stok 10 unit
Kode Juno 5B
Di lihat 12 kali
Harga Rp (Hubungi CS)
081285867779 sms 085726399213 082319899957 760e3af5 majukomunikasi27@gmail.com

Detail Produk = GPS Trimble Juno 5B =

GPS Trimble Juno 5B

Work smart with smartphone-inspired mobile GIS

Your team will perform better when they’ve got the tools they need to get the job done. Trimble® Juno® 5 series handhelds combine must have functionality with the familiarity of a smartphone form-factor.

Compatible with GIS-oriented Trimble workflows, the Juno 5 is the smart solution your team can trust for standardizing inspections and asset management.

Choose either the Juno 5B or 5D model to suit your needs:

  Juno 5B (WEHH) Juno 5D (WEHH) Juno 5D (Android)
Cellular voice & data No Yes Yes
Available Trimble software Yes Yes Not at this time

Your flexible, real world asset management and GIS update tool

The Trimble Juno 5 series is the smart integrated solution for your field workers, to keep them connected and in touch.

As part of the Trimble family of GPS solutions, Juno 5 series handhelds are compatible with Trimble Mapping & GIS software, giving you a choice of GIS data collection and asset management software solutions at a range of price points.

You can easily deploy the Juno 5 series alongside your current Trimble equipment and maintain the same workflows and policies.

The Trimble Juno 5 series is the ideal platform for:

  • Local government: Road and road asset management, public works installations, city-wide GIS data collection projects, scheduled asset inspections for compliance and metering, parks and urban forest maintenance and management.
  • Environmental management: Forest and park service management, fisheries management, general environmental management.
  • Utilities: Asset management for Water, wastewater, gas, and electric.
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Mitra Laser Store Menjual Berbagai Macam Jenis Alat Survey, Ukur & , Optical Power meter, Optical Light Source, GPS Epoch 10, Epoch 50, Repeater Motorola DLL. Semua Barang kami BERGARANSI RESMI ! ! ! Kami juga bergerak di bidang jasa Servis, Kalibrasi dan Rantal alat ukur BTS. diantaranya: Spectrum analyzer, Signal Generator, Osiloscop, Site Master, OTDR, Splicer, Power Meter & Bertest, Power Supplay dan Alat-alat Laboratorium. Ditunjang dengan merk-merk yang sudah terkenal dan telah diakui keberadaanya didunia survey diantaranya: Tektonix, Agilent, Anritsu, Rohde& scward, Advantes, Fujikura, Yokogawa, Sunrice Telecom, Bird, Expo, dll. Teknisi kami telah menjadi ahli dalam memperbaiki hampir setiap jenis dan merek uji dan peralatan pengukuran. Kirimi kami peralatan alat ukur rusak Anda dan optik untuk evaluasi pada biaya tetap rendah. Setelah selesai, Anda akan menerima diagnostik dan rekomendasi. Dengan asumsi bahwa peralatan bernilai perbaikan. Kami akan menunggu penerimaan atau penolakan sebelum memulai tindakan lebih lanjut. mitralaserstore. merupakan sebuah situs belanja online yang bergerak dalam berbagai bidang industri, Pertambangan, Pertanahan, Kontruksi, dan berbagai industri lainnya. Seperti Digital Instrument, GPS (Global Positioning System), Surveying Instruments, Test dan Measurement, Radio dan Satelite Communication, Telecommunication, Peralatan Marine/Kelautan, Alat Teknik, Alat Ukur/Uji Beton, Perkakas dan Peralatan Geologi. Jasa Melayani Jasa Pengurusan Perizinan Frekuensi Radio Komunikasi. Mengerjakan Pembuatan dan Pemasangan Tower, Pemasangan Repeater Radio Komunikasi, ssb, Base Station, Pemasangan Radio Mobil, Radio Marine, dll.. Office : Jalan Ciptomangunkusumo perumahan mahkota simpprug blok B8 No. 21 Tangerang selatan,
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