Hach DR-3900 Spectrophotometer

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Spesifikasi Hach DR-3900 Spectrophotometer

Hach DR3900 Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer
 Expert water analysis made simple.
Simplicity throughout: The DR3900 photometer provides the simplest way to perform test for wateranalysis. Used together with TNTplus™ chemistries testing steps are reduced. The potential for human error is mininimized.
*RFID currently available only in US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Australia, New Zealand, and Colombia. Customers in other countries should order LPV440.99.00002.
Simple Preparation
Fast execution
Comprehensive Documentation
Beam Height:10 mmData Logger:2000 measured values (Result, Date, Time, Sample ID, User ID)Dimensions (H x W x D):151 mm x 350 mm x 255 mmDisplay:7" TFTDisplay Resolution:WVGA (800 pix x 480 pix)Display Size:7 inchDisplay Type:Colored touch-screenEnclosure Rating:IP30Includes:Adapter "A" for 1" round + Accuvac/1 cm rectangular cuvettes, manual in m 5 languages (GB, D, F, I, E), power supply 100 - 240V, 47 - 63Hz.Light Source:Gas-filled Tungsten (visible)Manual Languages:English
French (CDN)
Spanish (SA)
Portuguese (BR)
KoreanMax. operating humidity:80 %Max. Storage Humidity:80 %Operating Conditions:10 °C to 40 °COperating Mode:Transmittance (%), Absorbance and Concentration, ScanningOptical System:Reference beam, spectral
Reference beam, spectral Photometric Accuracy:5 mAbs at 0.0 to 0.5 AbsPhotometric Accuracy 2:1 % at 0.50 to 2.0 AbsPhotometric Linearity:< 0.5 % to 2 AbsPhotometric Linearity 2:≤ 0.01 % at >2 Abs with neutral glass at 546 nmPhotometric Measuring Range:± 3.0 Abs (wavelength range 340 to 900 nm)Power Requirements:With external power supplyPower Requirements (Hz):50/60 HzPower Requirements (Voltage):110 - 240 V ACPower Supply:Benchtop Power SupplyPreprogrammed Methods:> 240Sample Cell Compatibility:13 mm round, 16 mm round, 1 cm & 5 cm rectangular, 1" round, 1" rectangularScanning Speed: 8 nm/S (in steps of 1 nm)Source Lamp:Gas-filled Tungsten (visible)Specific Technology:RFID for easy method update, sample ID and Certificate of AnalysisSpectral Bandwidth:5 nmStorage Conditions:-30 °C to 60 °CStray Light:< 0.1 % T at 340 nm with NaNO2User Interface Languages:Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, 
Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German,
Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, 
Polish, Portuguese - Brazil, Portuguese, 
Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Slowenian,
Spanish, Swedish, TurkishUser Programs:100Warranty:12 monthsWavelength Accuracy:± 1.5 nm (wavelength range 340 to 900 nm)Wavelength Calibration:Automatic Wavelength Range:320 to 1100 nmWavelength Reproducibility:± 0.1 nmWavelength Resolution:1 nmWavelength Selection:Automatic, based on method selectionWeight:9.26 lbs. (4.2 kg)

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 TEKNIK PRO Siap melayani dan membantu Anda dengan sepenuh hati. Kami mencoba menawarkan harga murah tetapi dengan kualitas terbaik di setiap kelasnya... Pembeli yang pintar adalah pembeli yang tau bagaimana melihat suatu barang dari sisi kualitas dan kuantitas... ^_^ Let's Ride bro... dan kami menjual berbagai macam jenis Alat Survey Seperti Produk Sirine yahagi, Sirine mini,Sirine patlite,Sirine engkol,Lampu lotary,Sirine Patwal,Sirine Polisi,Produk Lutron,Produk Fluke, Produk AZ,Produk Hioki,Produk Dekko,Produk Extech,Produk Mastech,Produk Hozan elektronik tool, Produk Sanwa mutimeter,Produk Sanfix instrumen,GPS GARMIN, Alat Tehnik, dan Alat survey Safety,Teknik, Electrik dan Laboratorium serta alat Geologi dan Survey. Meliputi Altimeter, Anemometer, Automatic Level, Battery Tester, Binocular, Body Harness, Calibrator, Compass, Current Meter, Echosounder, FRC Cable, Gas Analyzer, Geology Hammer, GPS, Hand Puller, Holiday Detector, Hygrometer, Laser Rangefinder/ Hypsometer, Lightning Detector, Lightning Protection, Loupe, Lux Meter, Metal Detector, Moisture Meter, Monocular, Pipe Cable Locator, Planimeter, Ratchet Puller, Siren, Smoke Detector, Sound Level Meter, Solar Panel, Spotting Scope, Storm Detector, Surveying Book, Telescope, Theodolite, Thermometer, Thermohygrometer, Thickness Gauge, Total Station, Turbidity Meter, Satellite Phone, Vibration Meter, Water Level Logger, Water Quality Meter, Weather Station   
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