Thermocouple Datalogger Extech TM500
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Spesifikasi Thermocouple Datalogger Extech TM500
Extech TM500 12-Channel Thermocouple Datalogger
Extech’s 12-Channel datalogging thermometer allows
for a wide-range of applications with 6 Thermocouple
types (J, K, E, T, R,S). It displays CH1 to CH8 or CH9
to CH12 on screen and data can be recorded from all
12 channels simultaneously onto an SD card in Excel®
format for further analysis.
Applications (Dependent on Thermocouple type and range):
- Heat distribution in thermal chambers
- Quality Control temperature monitoring
- HVAC and Refrigeration
- Cooling systems
- Refrigeration
- Core temperature in ovens
- Automotive design
• 12-Channel temperature datalogging with
6 Thermocouple types (J, K, E, T, R,S)
• Simultaneously displays CH1 to CH8 or CH9 to CH12
• Offset adjustment used for zero function or to make
relative measurements
• Memory stores 99 readings manually
• Datalogging feature records readings with date and
time stamp on an SD card (included) in Excel® format
• User programmable sampling rate: 1 to 3600 seconds
• Min/Max and Data Hold functions
• Auto power off with disable function
• Complete with 8 AA batteries, 12 general purpose
Type K bead wire temperature probes, SD card, and
hard carrying case
Type J -148 to 2102°F (-100 to 1150°C)
Type K -148 to 2372°F (-100 to 1300°C)
Type T -148 to 752°F (-100 to 400°C)
Type E -148 to 1652°F (-100 to 900°C)
Type R 32 to 3092°F (0 to 1700°C)
Type S 32 to 2732°F (0 to 1500°C)
Resolution 0.1°/1°
Basic Accuracy ±0.4% rdg (+1.8°F/+1°C) Types J, K, E, T; ±0.5% rdg (+5°F/+3°C) Types R, S
Datalogging Datalog readings on SD card (included)
Dimensions/ Weight 8.9 x 4.9 x 2.5" (225 x 125 x 64mm)/ 2.1lbs (944g)
TM500............... 12-Channel Thermocouple Datalogger
TP870 ............... Replacement Type K bead wire probe (-40 to 482°F/-40 to 250°C)
TP873 ............... Type K bead wire probe (-22 to 572°F/-30 to 300°C)
TP873-5M......... Type K bead wire probe (-22 to 572°F/-30 to 300°C) with 5m cable
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