Gwon GMK 303A Grain Moisture Meter
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Spesifikasi Gwon GMK 303A Grain Moisture Meter
Grain Moisture Meter GMK-303A
Product Description
With checking out the moisture content in grains while
growing/ harvesting/ drying/ buying/ selling & consuming,
you can find out when to irrigate & harvest, how to dry & store, what to buy & sell.
As the result of it, our Grain Moisture Meter GMK-303A series enable not only to support
your farmers to upgrade the quality of their grains, but also to help your people to establish
the objectivity & the transparency of trades by estimating the quality of grains.
Product Feature
- Moisture content measurement for grains.
- Easy to use, quick to read and compact.
- Microprocessor control.
- Automatic temperature compensation.
- Battery replacement sign appears
- Electrical resisitance method.
- EM & CE marks obtained.
Product Specification
Model: GMK-303A
- Rice: 8.3% ~ 26.0%
- Paddy: 8.5% ~ 40.0%
- Soybean: 8.5% ~ 21.5%
- Barley: 8.3% ~ 35.0%
- Wheat: 8.5% ~ 35.0%
- Maize(Corn): 8.7% ~ 22.8%
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^_^ Let's Ride bro...
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TEKNIK PRO Siap melayani dan membantu Anda dengan sepenuh hati. Kami mencoba menawarkan harga murah tetapi dengan kualitas terbaik di setiap kelasnya... Pembeli yang pintar adalah pembeli yang tau bagaimana melihat suatu barang dari sisi kualitas dan kuantitas... ^_^ Let's Ride bro... dan kami menjual berbagai macam jenis Alat Survey Seperti Produk Sirine yahagi, Sirine mini,Sirine patlite,Sirine engkol,Lampu lotary,Sirine Patwal,Sirine Polisi,Produk Lutron,Produk Fluke, Produk AZ,Produk Hioki,Produk Dekko,Produk Extech,Produk Mastech,Produk Hozan elektronik tool, Produk Sanwa mutimeter,Produk Sanfix instrumen,GPS GARMIN, Alat Tehnik, dan Alat survey Safety,Teknik, Electrik dan Laboratorium serta alat Geologi dan Survey. Meliputi Altimeter, Anemometer, Automatic Level, Battery Tester, Binocular, Body Harness, Calibrator, Compass, Current Meter, Echosounder, FRC Cable, Gas Analyzer, Geology Hammer, GPS, Hand Puller, Holiday Detector, Hygrometer, Laser Rangefinder/ Hypsometer, Lightning Detector, Lightning Protection, Loupe, Lux Meter, Metal Detector, Moisture Meter, Monocular, Pipe Cable Locator, Planimeter, Ratchet Puller, Siren, Smoke Detector, Sound Level Meter, Solar Panel, Spotting Scope, Storm Detector, Surveying Book, Telescope, Theodolite, Thermometer, Thermohygrometer, Thickness Gauge, Total Station, Turbidity Meter, Satellite Phone, Vibration Meter, Water Level Logger, Water Quality Meter, Weather Station
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