Jual Amplifier TOA ZA-2128S-AS 120 watt

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Spesifikasi Jual Amplifier TOA ZA-2128S-AS 120 watt

 ZA-2128S-AS adalah Power Mixer Amplifier TOA yang memiliki kapasitas 120 watt, 5 microphone input, 3 input aux, serta disetiap channel input mic ada pengatur suara bass dan trible. cocok sekali untuk masjid
Specifications :
Power Source 220V, 50/60Hz AC, or 24 V DC
Power Output Rated 120W
Power Consumption AC : 350W ( rated output )
AC : 170W ( operation at EN60065 )
DC : 15A ( operation at rated output )
Frequency Response 50 - 20,000 Hz (±3 dB)
Distortion Less than 1% THD at 1kHz, 1/3 rated output power
( Sensitivity, Impedance, Connector )
MIC 1 : Rear 1.0mV (- 60dB*) Balanced 600Ω, Phone Jack, Echo
MIC 2 : Rear 1.0mV (- 60dB*) Balanced 600Ω, Phone Jack
MIC 3 : Rear 1.0mV (-60dB*) Balanced 600Ω, Phone Jack
MIC 4 : Rear 1.0mV (-60dB*) Balanced 600Ω, Phone Jack
MIC 5 : Rear 1.0mV (-60dB*) Balanced 600Ω, Phone Jack
AUX 1 : Rear 300mV (-10dB*) Unbalanced 10kΩ, RCA Pin Jack
AUX 2 : Rear 300mV (-10dB*) Unbalanced 10kΩ, RCA Pin Jack
AUX 3 : Rear 300mV (-10dB*) Unbalanced 10kΩ, RCA Pin Jack
Speaker Outputs 100V, 4Ω
PRE AMP OUT 1.0V (0dB*) Unbalanced 600Ω, RCA Pin Jack
PWR AMP IN 1.0V (0dB*) Unbalanced 10kΩ, RCA Pin Jack
REC OUT 1.0V (0dB*) Unbalanced 600kΩ, RCA Pin Jack
Phantom Power DC + 21V (MIC 1)
Noise Level (S/N) More than 80dB at all volume control full CCW 
More than 50dB at all volume control full CCW
Output Regulation Less than 3 dB no load to full load
Controls Front : 5 Microphone Gain Controls
Front : 3 Aux Gain Controls
Front : 8 Bass Tone Controls
Front : 8 Treble Tone Controls
Front : 1 Echo Level Controls
Front : 1 Master Controls
Front : 1 Power ON / OFF Switch
Tone Control Bass : ±10 dB at 100Hz, 
Treble : ±10 dB at 10 kHz
Indicators 1 LED signals, 
1 LED Peak, 
1 LED Power ON
Ambient Temperature 0° C to 40° C
Dimensions 420 (W) x 144 (H) x 361 (D) in mm
Weight 13 kg
Finish Front Panel : Aluminum Gray ; Case : Steel plate, Gray

* Notes : 
Specifications are measured on 220V AC

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Jl. Kapi Minda III Blok 11-J No. 16 Sawojajar II Malang 65154
Jawa Timur - Malang
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