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318 kali
Jawa Tengah - Kendal
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Spesifikasi Tina
Standing vase tinari
finishing: gold
h: 125 cm
d bowl: 40 cm
finishing: gold
h: 125 cm
d bowl: 40 cm
PALIMANAN Manufacture and Design was established in 2002. Our current employee and artist are 50. For over eight years, our company has been committed to providing classic and contemporary design vase item, home accessorizes, home accents. It has made a wide range of product collection empathizing cultural diversities, uniqueness and excellence though reinterpretation of classic form styles influenced ethnographic life of its region. Perfection is the key of making product. Our current export capacity is 2x40' .
Free Member
Jl. Puri Anjasmoro Blok O3/9 Semarang 50144, Jawa Tengah Indonesia
Jawa Tengah - Kendal
Login Terakhir 24-10-2011
+6281575729335, +6285865689372
+6281575729335, +6285865689372
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