Icom pioneered the floating VHF marine radio, and others followed. Setting a new trend yet again, the IC-M24 floats and lets you know where it is with the flashing feature. The radio flashes in the water, even when the power is off! And for a floating radio, it is small and lightweight and easy to carry around.
Float'n flash*
With its innovative flashing red LED light, an overboard IC-M24 is easy to find, day or night. The light flashes even if the radio is turned off.
* US patent pending.
Small and lightweight body
As a floating VHF marine transceiver, the ICM24 is small and lightweight and easy to carry around.
Energy-saving 3.7V circuitry
The IC-M24 is powered by the 3.7V Lithium-Ion battery pack, BP-266, to reduce the capacity and weight of the radio. A newly developed PA circuit provides 5W (approx.) RF output and powerful 600mW (typ.) audio even at this low voltage, while saving battery consumption for 10 hours of operating time.*
* Typical operation with Tx (Hi): Rx: standby=5:5:90. US patent: 8,295,796.
Easy to see large LCD
The large, easy to see LCD (32×16 mm) offers a clear 2 - digit channel number indication.
Built-in regular charger circuitry
Recharge the IC-M24 by plugging the wall charger directly in to the radio. By eliminating exposed metal charging points, the IC-M24 is even more protected from water damage.
Volume loud and mute functions
The volume loud/mute functions temporarily change the volume to the maximum/minimum level with two touches of a button. Depending on the background noise level, you can easily change the volume level to capture the received message.
Other features
Submersible construction equivalent to IPX7
- (1m depth for 30 minutes)
- Dual/Tri-watch functions
- Auto scan function
- One-touch access to Ch 16
- 4-step battery life indicator
- Tag scan and Favorite channel functions
- Weather channel with weather alert (USA version)
- AquaQuake™ draining function
PT. 4S MARINE adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi speed boat dan kapal dengan bahan dasar fiber, aluminium, dan baja. Dengan SDM lulusan perkapalan Indonesia yang ahli di bidang Naval Architect dan Marine Engineering sehingga dengan perhitungan dan konstruksi yang tepat maka produk yang di hasilkan merupakan hasil terbaik. Berikut produk yang Kami produksi antara lain:
Speed Boat Fiber / Kapal Fiber
Speed Boat Aluminium / Kapal Aluminium
Speed Boat Baja / Kapal Baja
Speed Boat Patroli / Kapal Patroli
Speed Boat Mancing / Kapal Mancing / Sport Fishing
Speed Boat Pariwisata / Kapal Pariwisata
Speed Boat Catamaran / Kapal Catamaran (Lambung Ganda)
Speed Boat Penumpang / Kapal Penumpang / Passanger Boat
Kapal Ikan
Crew Boat
Diving Boat
Mooring Boat
Rescue Boat
FRC / Fast Rescue Craft
RIB / Rigid Inflatable Boat dengan Bahan Rubber PVC atau Hypalon
Boat Cradle Trailler
Tangki Fiber
Mooring Buoy
Mooring Navigasi
PT. 4S MARINE juga menjual segala kebutuhan untuk Speed Boat anda Antara lain:
Perahu Karet (Rubber Boat), Perahu Karet Zebec, Perahu Karet Bombard, Perahu Karet Achiless, Perahu Karet Supralite, Perahu Karet Avon,
Mesin Tempel (Outboard Engine), Mesin Tempel Yamaha, Mesin Tempel Honda, Mesin Tempel Suzuki, Mesin Tempel Evinrude, Mesin Tempel Mercury, Mesin Tempel Dolphin Selva, Yanmar, Dongfeng, Donghai, Weichai,Volvo Penta, Alamarine
Speed Boat Equipment / Perlengkapan Kapal, Perlengkapan Navigasi (Navigation System), Perlengkapan Komunikasi (Communication System), Perlengkapan Kemudi (Steering System), Peralatan Keselamatan (Safety Equipment), Perlengkapan Instalasi Bahan Bakar (Fuel System), Perlengkapan Kelistrikan (Electrical System), GPS Garmin 585, GPS Furuno, Radar Garmin, Radar Furuno, Radio VHF ICOM IC-M304, Lampu Navigasi Merah Hijau, Lampu Sorot, Searchlight, Electric Horn, Kompas, Teropong Binocular, Handy Talky Marine, Bendera Isyarat / Semboyan Kapal, Peta Perairan, Hidrolis Seastar, Hidrolis Baystar, Hidrolis Vetus, Hidrolis Seafirst, Steer, Stir, Hose Hidrolis, Naple, T Bar, Monocable Steering, Monocable Teleflex, Teleflex Morse, Life Jacket, Ring Buoy, Life Buoy, Inflatable Life Raft / ILR, Batteray Switch, Switch Panel, Kabel Marine Polyform Fender, Racor Filter, Pompa Jabsco, Kompas Ritchie, Kompas Brunton, Kompas Suunto, Kompas Danforth, Kabel Remote Morse, Hinge, Bollard, Cleat, Tali PP Korea, Jangkar Danforth, Jangkar Galvanis, Genset, Battery, Accu, Plastik Deck, Anti Fouling, Kabel Remote TSK, Kabel Remote Morse, Kabel Harnes, RPM Meter, Fuel Meter, Terminal Block, Tabung Pemadam, Fire Extinguisher, Kotak P3K, Red Hand Flare Comet, Smoke Signal Comet, Dampra Guling, Jam Dinding Marine, CVS, Clear View Screen, Wiper, Lampu Interior, Clinometer, Pompa Bilga, Bilga Pump, Hand Pump,
Cool box, Cool Box Ocean, Cool Box Marvel, Cool Box Delta, Cool Box Fiber, Cool Box Tanaga
Kubus Apung HDPE, Dermaga Apung, Keramba Jaring Apung / KJA
Rubber Fender
Spare Part Engine
Jasa Install Engine dan Repair
Bahan Fiber, Resin, Mat, Woven Roving, Katalis, Talk, Cobalt, Wax, Piu Lembaran, Poliuretan Cair, Poliuretan Lembaran
Pintu Kapal
Jendela Kapal
Marine Equipment, water tight steel door dan water tight aluminium door( pintu kedap kapal) , interior aluminium door for cabin( pintu interior kapal) , windows atau jendela seluruh bagian dari kapal dengan bahan
dan Equipment Lainya.
Info perusahaan :
Marketing Office: Delta Mandala Estate Blok II No. 87 Semambung, Gedangan, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia (Dekat Bandara Internasional Juanda)
No. Telp. / Fax.: (031) 8689 031
No. Hp :
Irfan 082131714175
Totok 081330646172
Email: empatsmarine@gmail.com