E-Instrument F900 Forklift & Small Engine Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Spesifikasi E-Instrument F900 Forklift & Small Engine Exhaust Gas Analyzer
Portable Emissions Analyzer Selection Guide
The F900 is a new hand-held exhaust gas analyzer designed for safety testing, engine tuning, and emissions compliance testing for forklifts and other small engine vehicles.
F900 Features Include the Following:
- CO Sensor 0 to 50,000 ppm
- O2 Sensor 0 to 25 %
- 12″ Sampling Probe, with 10′ Dual Hose
- S-Type Exhaust Fitting w/ Clamp
- Bluetooth & USB Cable
- Optional Wireless Bluetooth Printer
- PC Software Package with Real-Time Graphing, Logging, and Recording
- Internal Memory, 1000 Tests
- Automatic Data Saving
- External Water Trap with Filter Cartridge
- Rechargeable Batteries & AC Charger
- Protective Rubber Holster w/Magnetic Support
- Protective Carrying Case
- Operating Manual
- Calibration Certificate
Jl. Muchtar Tabrani, Bintang Metropol Blok A-7 No. 16 , Bekasi Utara
Phone : 021 - 29253187, 29253184, Fax : 021-29253186
Email : support@andalanprimasejahtera.com / maria@andalanprimasejahtera.com
Website : www.andalanprimasejahtera.com
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