China Valves SupplyDetailsSize:4inchPressure Rating: Class 150LBBody: A216 WCBDisc:WCB or SS304/316Seat:A276 420 or SS Standards1.Design and manufacture:API 609, DIN33542.Inspect
1. DIN Bellows Sealed Globe Valves1. DIN Bellows Sealed Globe Valve Material:* GS-C25/GS-C25N/GP240GH/1.06192. DIN Bellows Sealed Globe Valve Pressure rating and size:* PN10~PN40 : DN15~DN4003. DIN Bellows Se
Detail Cast Iron Valve, ONDA, Butterfly Valve Cast IronPT. GOLDEN PIPING INDONESIA menyediakan dan mensupply Butterfly Valve Cast Iron JIS 10K Onda. Onda JIS 10K cast Iron Valve Butterfly Valve. Untuk Info
Knife Gate ValveLug Type Knife gate valveAre available in various designs, one-piece body and two-piece bodies, rising stem and non-rising stem, uni-direction and bi-direction structures, resilient and metal seat
BALL VALVE*GATE VALVE, *BALL VALVE (Trunnion and Floating)*GLOBE VALVE, *CHECK VALVE (Swing, Piston and Wafer), APPLICATION & FUNCTION: Ball valves can be used to handle a variety of liquids, suspended solids and
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