PT. Daya Maju Utama

Jl. Bangka Raya No.103, Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan 12720, Jakarta Indonesia

Profil Perusahaan

Penjelasan Ringkas
PT Daya Maju Utama is an engineering, contractor and suppliers company established in Jakarta, Indonesia since 2000.

Become a professional company with highly satisfied service and quality of work to the customers

For the suppliers, we are agent of some products, ie:
1. Yaskawa
1.1. Inverter ( with special price)
1.2. AC Motor
2. Shinko magnetic clutch & Brakes ( with special price)
3. Meiden
3.1. Inverter
3.2. AC& DC Motor
3.3.. Dynamometer
4. Italvibras Vibration Motor
5. Nagano Keiki
5.1. Pressure Gauge
5.2. Pressure Gauge with Electric Contact
5.3. Pressure Transmitter
6. Koso Control Vallve ( with special price)
7. Motoyama Control Valve
8. Terasaki
8.1. MCCB
8.2. ELB ( earth leakage breaker)
9. Suntes
9.1. Air hydraulic booster
9.2. Disc brakes
10. Fushiman
10.1. Pressure Reducing Valve
10.2. Safety Relief Valve
11. Sumitomo
11.1. Sumitomo Gear Head
11.2. Sumitomo Cyclo Drive

All the above product we offer with: competitive price, ...
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